Hormonal Rant - What to do lol?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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So last night I had a complete rant at dh all because he went to asda in his lunch hour to do a bit of shopping and picked up all the wrong food. I had emailed him a list. The only reason i didnt go as my son was unwell yesterday and i couldnt leave the house with him.

So yes i totally overreacted and had a right go at him and we didnt speak for the rest of the night. Totally unlike us we usually hardly ever argue and even if we do it's just a bicker and we forget all about it.

So today he's tx me asking how i am. Honestly i am so p'd off with him i havent even replied. I am thinking of sending him a big email to him explaining why he has annoyed me so much. Basically he walks about in a daze half the time, i ask him to do stuff and he never does it (typical of most men) is so half hearted about stuff and i am fed up! To be quite honest i know the email will only make me feel better and then we'll probably fall out even more.

What would u ladies do. Sorry for the big rant, just need to get it off my chest.
Maybe write the email.. Take a break for half hour.. Re-read it and if you still feel like sending it send it, if not re word it or delete it.. It will make u feel better to get it all off your chest.. But also try to word it right so it doesn't cause arguements.. Write how u feel first then reword it after a breather.. I tend to just send messages with how I feel then read back after a while and feel bad for saying it in the way I did..
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That is really good advice thank you x I would tend to blurt everything out in the wrong way and make things worse. We are communicating through txts but think an email might give him a kick up the bum if he knows how much he is annoying me. Thanks for that reply xx
Ur welcome hun.. Ur too close to having ur baby to be arguing and stressed.. But you also shouldn't keep how u feel inside.. Find the right way and it will help :)
I usually rant at OH and then regret saying absolutely everything but it does usually help us to overcome a lot of things that have maybe been niggling at me but I've just left them and got back on with it like you do. I suppose I should probably think about what I say before I say it as I don't take into account just how much a lot of the stuff I've said plays on OHs mind afterwards :/
It's best to get it all out even the little things, just have to find the right words really.. Let it build up and you'll explode and that's when the arguements start.. I've had alot of experience in that department lol!!

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