Grr. OH and BF'ing

I cant say my OH has been like this, but I am hoping to get him involved by feeding LO the occasional bottle of expressed milk x
My hubby and I had a similar discussion a few weeks before Dylan was born. He wanted me to express from day 1 so he could do one feed wax eve, I wanted to wait 6 weeks before using bottles. It all seems silly now, as 6 weeks came, we made a big deal about it, his first bottle and first feed from daddy and then 5 mins in, daddy got bored and he was back to me! He often has a bottle in the eve now as I gave loads of milk first thing so express some off for when he has his pre bed insatiable feeding frenzy, but it very rarely is given by daddy, and when it is, its like its a massive chore! Ha. Good luck with bfing, its lovely. X
My oh was concerned about this too but he did understand it was for the best.

As it turns out Riven won't take the boob from me so is having to use a bottle so he gets to feed him anyway.....
I gotta say daddies really piss me off sometimes! It's really about what's best for baby and imo its just being selfish, the fact of the matter is, newborns need one person at that stage of life - mum, everyone else comes into play later on but mum is the one they know and recognise the smell of etc. Daddies can bond in so many other ways, bathtime, bedtime, cuddles and kisses, I guess I'm lucky as although my breastfeeding didn't last long my oh was 100% supportive and he is 7 years younger than me bless him! Xx

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My OH was like this!
He didn't moan and winge about it, but he was like (stroppy) - 'okay, well if that's what you want to do, then do it'..
Pathetic men haha..
At the end of the day, I'm going to do what's best for our baby..
I got him to read up some stuff on formula feeding + breast feeding, and I think he's now come round to the idea a little bit..
Hahaha! Stroppy men! They can be worse than us sometimes! I have to say though, after the ante-natal class yesterday I explained to him that baby needs to get established on the breast before we even think about bottles which can take weeks and THEN we might look into him having a bottle off him perhaps a couple of times a week at night. He's definitely come round to the idea and understands all the benefits and that breast is probably best :). I made him read panflets and leaflets on breast feeding and he actually got quite interested and was like 'Oh, I didn't know that.'. I think perhaps lack of knowledge caused him to panic :). Ahhhhh relief! LOL.

Glad he's coming round to the idea of BFing! Mine has been totally supportive of it since the beginning, luckily for me. At our antenatal class he was absolutely amazed by the video we saw of a breast pump in action and declared that he'd like to get me one. Not so that he could give LO a bottle later, no, but so he could milk me 'like a cow'. Yup. He used those words. Bless him...
I think there is (if it is still there!) a good film on the NHS website about breast feeding which explains the benefits for baby and you, interviews with various mums to be and also has some interviews with dads and their thoughts on breast of the dad's in particular talked about what he did to be involved with the baby (changing nappies, cuddles etc) and also to help his partner while she was breast feeding. Might be worth a look and perhaps your OH could watch it if you thought it would be useful? Just a thought. Hope that things settle and you reach a mutual understanding about BF. xxx

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