Hoping the problems don't start now *midwife today*


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Went Midwife and my blood pressure is slightly raised and i have a trace of protein in my urine. Been seeing stars too so got to go in another week instead of 2 week! Got scans at 28 and 34 week because apparently women with a BMI over 35 have 2 extra scans...it was a trainee midwife but she was nice, she didn't see why my midwife had not sent me for the scan at 28 week! I don't think my midwife cares to be honest! She said my blood pressure has been raised before...that was the first i have heard, she never told me!!! Also measuring at 31 week instead of nearly 29. Hope this is not a sign of problems...i am sure all will be well. xxx

Bloody blood tests in the morning too!!!
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I had similar yesterday. My bp has been up last two appointments and protein in my urine. I'm going back sooner than planned to and just got told to call if I get headaches, swelling or blurring vision.
My mw didn't even tell me about the protein, I seen it on my notes and I had to point out to her that my bp was high at last appointment also. I have never been measured either! Which I don't understand as everyone else seems to have been.
Don't worry too much about the measurements though cos I'm sure you can be 2 weeks out at either side. Xx
Yeah i think 2 weeks either side is normal and may change as you get further along. Havent heard of the being over a certain BMI thing - i dont get weighed or anything and ive put on almost 3 stone!

Be nice to see your little girl again though :) i wish i had another scan - it seems ages between 20 weeks and 40!!! x
its for people mainly with high bmi or low bmi at the begining of the pregnancy that get the growth scans or if for some reason your fundal height is off by quite a bit to what week your on like me at 28 weeks i only measured 23 weeks making that a 5 week difference but my little lady is measuring fine on the scan :)
Did she send u for a GTT test too Shauna?x
Did she send u for a GTT test too Shauna?x

What is this? what do they do? xxx

Glucose tolerance test...?
Apparantly if ur BMI is over 30 or you have a family history of type 2 you have to have it done, mines Friday cos my Daddys got type 2 :(
A common reason babies are larger than they should be is because u develop gestational diabetes & they have to test u for it around 28-30 weeks x
Maybe thats what i have tomorrow...? its a fasting blood test or sumet they said x
Thats the one! You know you cant eat after a certain time?x
Yeah :) no eating after midnight or any cuppas unless it has no milk in lol x
Shauna your BMI is never over 35???? You look so slim in your pics on FB!!! My BMI is high but I've never been given any extra scans because of that (have had them cos of low placenta). But did have GTT test xx
Sure is lol! I have piled alot of weight on these past couple of months with packing in smoking...so depressing lol! Want my figure back when this baby is here lol. xxx
Shauna as others have said a few weeks out on fundal measurement is fine. I was 2 weeks up at 28 weeks but it all evened out after that and I was spot on last week at 34 weeks. My mw said plus or minus 3 weeks is absolutely fine x
Hope you're ok hun!

I had MW this mornign too. I'm measuring fine though (29cms). I've also only put 6lb on in total so far which I wasn't shocked about because i'm never hungry lol.

At least the other girls have reassured you that a slightly bigger measurement is ok. x
Hi hun - how did your GTT go? Hope you're ok. My results came back negative, but I still have extra scans booked in because Joseph was a big baby for my first. Let us know how you've got on won't you x

Sunnyb xxx
Hi hun it went fine, my arm was SO sore afterwards as when she was filling the tubes up she was wiggling the needle in my vein and god was my arm sore all day after! I don't know results yet...how long does it take? xxx
They let you know the results within 48 hours - glad it went ok x

Sunnyb xxx
When mine showed abnormal they let me know the next day x

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