hopefully baby if not then Hawaii


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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well speaking with hubby this weekend we have decided - we are going to start saving - initially baby fund as hopefully im not infertile and just a bit slow in the TTC process - on cycle 6 2ww currently!

if we have not concieved by dec then we will be a yr trying and will have to go to the gp ect ect but as a way of trying to ease the dissappointment every month hubby suggested if we are unable to have a baby by feb/march next yr then we will book to go to HAWAII!!! all inclusive, flying 1st class and blow all the baby money! (obviously we would start saving again on our return)

what you guys think?

i think it be lovely to have something to look forward to if it turns out there is a problem with us conceiving - but at the same time i think if there is a prob we may need the money for IVF but as hubby has 2 kids not sure he'd go through the whole IVF process xx
Hawaii would be absolutely amazing! Are you watching Hawaii 5 0 by any chance? Me and hubby are desperate to go necause we are!

I say go for it, great plan!
no not been watchin hawaii 5 0, we went to Cuba on honeymoon last yr - and hawaii seemed next appropraite place to go x
Oh Cuba desperate to go there too! Bet it was great. Have a friend whose just back from Hawaii and he said it was out of this world. He was 5 star all inclusive (money man) and usually hard to please so it must be great!
ooooh sounds lovely, great idea, something to look forward to and keep the focus on saving but hopefully baby will come first ;)
That sounds like a fantastic plan :)

Bet you come back pregnant and skint lol ;)
Yeah hopefully baby will come but with the dissapointment every month j keep spending the savings to make myself feel better - this way I won't spend it as I will have something to spend it on if no baby x
Please please I want baby but need to think as what if unable :(

Glad u guys don't think I'm crazy thought someone was gona say stupid idea lol x
I think its a great idea - I love having holidays to look forward to! Hawaii would be fab and I can recommend the Maldives too. We went for our honeymoon and it was AMAZING!! x
I treat myself every month when af comes. I I'd happily give all my treats up for a bfp, but for now they give me something to look forwards to

Go for it
Sounds like a great idea :).. It will give use something to look forward to, but hopefully you will get you BFP when you least expect it! x
Yeah I treat myself every month too but end up spending the savings so not no more!!!

Give me something else to focus on cos I'm getting soo soo down about it all now x

Hubby also wants to buy a static caravan If we do get bfp so well have the money there then x
That's a good plan. Something to look forward to either way. This is what me and bf have decided. We have started saving and if we conceive fantastic, if not by easter next year, we are taking my son to Egypt with us.

Good luck
Well hada lovely eveing out with hubby - come home DTD and there it was AF!! but no tears i knew it was coming!!

hubby said last night hes been thinking about the trip idea and has decided that its a bad idea- he thinks if we go away after spending 5-6 grand on a holiday then we will resent the holiday and be miserable cos the only reason we are there is because we cant have a baby :sad:
i totally see where he is coming from i never thought of it like that but i can see a holiday wont make anything better
we he mentioned possibly needing the money in case we need IVF - i was gobsmaked!! i never thought he would want that as he has 2 kids and thought if we couldnt concieve naturally he wouldnt be happy to do all the process of IVF but turns out he is!! :smile:

he really opened up last night sayin he sees how upset i get every month but even tho he doesnt show it - he hurts too!! he wants a baby with me soo soo much and to move to west wales to have a new life together x x (silly me im crying just writting this - i was last nite too in the pub :cry:)
Bless him, I think it's great you're working through this together
Bless him, I think it's great you're working through this together

Thanx scotch - only last night I realised how he puts on a brave face to help me and we are actually on the same page every month x

My eyes won't stop weeping today :cry: stupid hormones x
Awww that's so sweet, it made me well up reading it. Hope you get your BFP really soon! Xx
Thats great that your OH is being so supportive. Men can be funny folk sometimes, and it does the world of good to have a good talk about things.

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