Home insemination after terrible loss


Nov 30, 2018
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My husband and I have to use home insemination due to him being unable to "finish" during sex. He can only do it by himself, if you see what I mean.

Last year, we decided to use a syringe and pot to try home insemination and were amazed to succeed in our 3rd month. The pregnancy was an absolute dream until I started haemorrhaging in the late 2nd trimester. The doctors tried their best but eventually the bleeding was too extreme so my son was delivered early (c section). He seemed very healthy but developed unexpected health problems and passed away soon after birth. This was in the summer. Our son was beautiful and we will love and miss him forever.

We were given the go ahead to try again and have been trying home insemination again. We have just had our 2nd unsuccessful cycle.

Our current method is that I first deposit some Preseed inside. Then husband does his thing in a pot. I leave it a few minutes to liquefy and then use a 5ml syringe (3 inches long) to slowly deliver the swimmers. I then give myself an orgasm and prop myself up for an hour. I have heard that it might be a good idea to roll my hips from side to side to help the cervix get coated so intending to try that in the next cycle.

My concern is that the more I read, the more I wonder if the syringe we are using is long enough. Everywhere says 4 inches. The current 5ml syringe is 3 inches. The 10ml syringe I used to use was 3.5ml but I couldn't always insert that one (too painful) so stopped using it. I read that home insemination can be as successful as ordinary sex for conception. But is a 3 inch 5ml syringe just too short to achieve this?
I’m really very sorry to hear about the loss of your son, how awful :hug:
I’m afraid I don’t know anything about the insemination kits or techniques, but if it worked last time with the same size syringe? X
So sorry for your loss. I don't know about length. We use a 10ml syringe. I did get pregnant but miscarried. You need to cover the syringe with preseed before you insert it btw. Rocking side to side helps too. Also you can insert the syringe and let it warm up so the sperm can acclimatise before depressing it. And also do that slowly.

2 months is nothing. It takes 6 months on average to conceive. Maybe with some lubricant it won't hurt. Does it feel like the 10ml one is too long?
Hi there,

I'm very sorry for your loss! Not that your new baby will ever replace your son, but I hope your arms are filled again very soon!

I've had to use AI due to being in a same sex relationship and I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant! :) I won't lie though, it did take us quite a long time to conceive. The first year we were TTC, we used the same method as you are, albeit with a 10 ml syringe. I found it quite painful too, which made it stressful as I was occasionally worried I wouldn't manage to get it in! lol.

Then I found kits that included a thin tube you're meant to attach to the syringe. Only the tube goes in, the syringe stays on the outside. After using it, I never went back to just using the syringe, for two reasons. 1: It was painless and stress free! 2: The tube is far longer than the syringe, and near enough all of it went in! Which made me realise that all the time I used the syringe alone, it was probably too short and not depositing in the right place! We conceived within 6 months of using this kit. I also lay down with my hips propped up for about 45 mins after inseminating.

I used to use conceive plus, but stopped using it as I had enough of my own ewcm (sorry if TMI!) So I figured the natural stuff should be better than synthetic. The cycle I conceived I didn't use any lubricant.

Here's the link for the kit I used. Please bare in mind, while they show a very bendy tube on the picture, the ones you receive are actually rigid, but narrow.

Hope this helps :)
So sorry for your loss. I don't know about length. We use a 10ml syringe. I did get pregnant but miscarried. You need to cover the syringe with preseed before you insert it btw. Rocking side to side helps too. Also you can insert the syringe and let it warm up so the sperm can acclimatise before depressing it. And also do that slowly.

2 months is nothing. It takes 6 months on average to conceive. Maybe with some lubricant it won't hurt. Does it feel like the 10ml one is too long?
Thank you for your message.

The 10ml one feels too wide. It was the one I used when I conceived my son but I had a traumatic time in hospital and it has made me more tense when I try to use the syringe. So I started using a thinner one but I might try coating the syringe with Preseed beforehand as suggested by another poster. And I will look at the kit suggested as well.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss <3 I hope you get pregnant soon and everything goes well.
So sorry for your loss. I don't know about length. We use a 10ml syringe. I did get pregnant but miscarried. You need to cover the syringe with preseed before you insert it btw. Rocking side to side helps too. Also you can insert the syringe and let it warm up so the sperm can acclimatise before depressing it. And also do that slowly.

2 months is nothing. It takes 6 months on average to conceive. Maybe with some lubricant it won't hurt. Does it feel like the 10ml one is too long?
Thank you for your message.

The 10ml one feels too wide. It was the one I used when I conceived my son but I had a traumatic time in hospital and it has made me more tense when I try to use the syringe. So I started using a thinner one but I might try coating the syringe with Preseed beforehand as suggested by another poster. And I will look at the kit suggested as well.

The vagina has the ability to expand quite significantly.. so perhaps a bit of foreplay/arousal will help with this and will also increase the natural secretions too. Good luck x
So sorry for your loss. I don't know about length. We use a 10ml syringe. I did get pregnant but miscarried. You need to cover the syringe with preseed before you insert it btw. Rocking side to side helps too. Also you can insert the syringe and let it warm up so the sperm can acclimatise before depressing it. And also do that slowly.

2 months is nothing. It takes 6 months on average to conceive. Maybe with some lubricant it won't hurt. Does it feel like the 10ml one is too long?
Thank you for your message.

The 10ml one feels too wide. It was the one I used when I conceived my son but I had a traumatic time in hospital and it has made me more tense when I try to use the syringe. So I started using a thinner one but I might try coating the syringe with Preseed beforehand as suggested by another poster. And I will look at the kit suggested as well.

Foreplay can help. I also conceived the month I didn't use any lubricant.
I am sorry to know your story and wish you a positive outcome really soon
No BFP for Christmas. I tried using the kit suggested above but the swimmers got stuck in the tube so I went back to using the syringe. I coated it in preseed and did the foreplay thing and it all worked a lot easier. But I still worry that the syringe is not long enough and I am wasting my time.

The NHS are not interested in helping me (they just repeat "try for one year" they don't even want to discuss technique or timing so I could just be wasting my time). I have messaged a private hospital to see if they can see me and give some advice.
No BFP for Christmas. I tried using the kit suggested above but the swimmers got stuck in the tube so I went back to using the syringe. I coated it in preseed and did the foreplay thing and it all worked a lot easier. But I still worry that the syringe is not long enough and I am wasting my time.

The NHS are not interested in helping me (they just repeat "try for one year" they don't even want to discuss technique or timing so I could just be wasting my time). I have messaged a private hospital to see if they can see me and give some advice.
Sorry about the lack of BFP. The syringe method works for lots of people.I've not heard of a longer one being used. I worry about that too but I did get pregnant once with it so I know it works.
4th cycle seems unsuccessful too. This time last year, I fell pregnant with my son and now I am not pregnant and visiting my son in the cemetery. Just completely heartbroken.
4th cycle seems unsuccessful too. This time last year, I fell pregnant with my son and now I am not pregnant and visiting my son in the cemetery. Just completely heartbroken.
I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It can take a while to get pregnant. I know it's frustrating.
I see bumps and babies everywhere, reminding me that my son is dead and no sibling on the way. I read that over 50% of couples are pregnant after 3 cycles. After losing my baby boy, you would think I deserved to be in the majority but no. I feel I am just wasting time until the gp will help.

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