Armed with concieve plus... and a syringe!!

Think I may have to sneak.a syringe or two from work tomorrow!
I was having a bit of a downer today, didn't sleep at all last night thanks for cheering me up, lol
I'm off for a shower, load my weapon and have a quick shot its not time (3 more days) but have to keep trying!!!
hehe the things us ladies do....think im guna defo have to try a quick shot or two! :) I also thought the idea of a syringe sounded a bit scary (dont know why) but you girls have put my mind at rest so syringe R us here I cum! ;) x
i know pink butterfly - i think the word syringe conjurs up the thought of a great big needle like that is used for injections, this type of syringe definately has no needle!
lol this thread has cheered me up today!!

can i just ask tho, what exactly are you ladies using?!

Think i might give it ago. Anything is worth a try!
Thank god for that! LOL think will defo have to get one if I dont get my BFP this month! Yippee another thing to add to my TTC collection!!! x
it is a proven sperm friendly lubricant called concieve plus - you can get it online but i just got it from boots and it was £15, expensive for lube but a little goes a long way!! the whole syringe thing came up becaseu i found that it literally turns to water as soon as i put it on my fingers before applying it and i had read that someone just shot it straight into her vajayjay with no probs so thought why the hell not!!
Great Thread! I have just bought some Preseed from Amazon and that comes with 9 'applicators' - They look like little syringes.

Perfect timing for this thread! :)
well ladies, a few of you pm'd me about this and i promised to do an update after i had given it a go........

filled my syringe and positioned myself for "application" heehee, now tmi, i thought god how am i gonna get this in as it doesnt have a tapered end like a tampon, willy etc, just a short pointy stabby bit sort of like this i stuck it in best i could, only an inch i would guess, it hurt, and then pushed in the plunger. i got up, pulled up my pj's and then sat with legs tightly closed while it warmed up.

dtd about 15mins later, hubby said it was way better this way as it had warmed up and felt "normal".

So overall, a bit painfull, but it stayed in and felt good for hubby.

How has anyone else gotten on??
Hi - interested in this thread as am thinking of trying lube - got a question tho' don't know if anyone can answer it - does sperm friendly lube cancel out EWCM, or does it work in conjunction? It's just that I've been taking EPO and had some EWCM last month for first time, but don't know if it's enough? If I use lube as well, will it over-ride my EWCM? Don't know if that makes sense...??!! Thanks... :) x

ps thanks for sharing your experience itisbabytime - doesn't sound too terrible! Does seem a lot of women who had their BFps used lube... Hope it works for you :) xx
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if you have sufficient ewcm of your own i wouldnt bother with it but the days in the run up to ov when its at that creamy stage before it become truely ewcm i would give it a go then.
if you have sufficient ewcm of your own i wouldnt bother with it but the days in the run up to ov when its at that creamy stage before it become truely ewcm i would give it a go then.

Thanks hon - just don't know how much is enough, you know... Oh well, will see how it goes and make my mind up then.... Hope it's all going well for you at the moment :) xx
I don't think it can hurt or cancel out EWCM Hun. :)

And 2ml is plenty!!!!
Iv been using this stuff for a year and ttc for a year I might give the shringe ago :)
OMG - you lot are bonkers - in the nicest possible way of course.

I am meant to be taking the relaxed approach this cycle? OH will stop having sex with me otherwise ha ha!

I don't think me jacking up with concieve plus falls into the 'taking it easy' catergory :)
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I used preseed last night, used the syringe. Can't believe I've got to this stage of injecting lube up my foofoo! Wasn't as bad as I thought, but think I put too much in cos DH said it was abit too wet!


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