

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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euw i hope beth doesnt go for gilly, shes too beautiful for him he's a TOOL. lol
Isnt there a rumour that her and Reece get it on again? :shock:
At trixiepaws request ive made this one a sticky as there seems to be lots of hollyoaks discussions to have.

Its the only soap we watch we love it :dance:

I reckon Gilly is a real sweetheart, I hope he finds a nice girl soon but I doubt it will be Beth, and eeeeew hope her and reece dont get it on again thats just wrong! But then he did sleep with his girlfriends mother so does he have any scruples?
I think Beth is such a BAD actress! Does anyone agree? She makes me cringe! She says everything in such a monotone!

I am loving Hollyoaks - love the McQueens!

Flame said:
Isnt there a rumour that her and Reece get it on again? :shock:
do they?! i think rhys would given the opportunity but i didint think beth would. yuck imagine finding out ur boyf is ur bro!
im loving the tony love triangle.

i reckon she offers to have baby for them. then decides to keep it.
i found a website with a whole load of spoilers on... but i won't say :)

apparently though it's beth who can't stop thinking about rhys :think:
leckershell said:
i found a website with a whole load of spoilers on... but i won't say :)

apparently though it's beth who can't stop thinking about rhys :think:

Pm mke love dont keep me in suspense
leckershell said:
i found a website with a whole load of spoilers on... but i won't say :)

apparently though it's beth who can't stop thinking about rhys :think:
ooh really?! do tell!
i felt :cry: when i watched e4's today- poor mercedes :(

i usually dont like her but wanna give her :hug:
are the mcqueens supposed to hav always lived together? coz they all hav different accents! jackie sounds like shes from oldham, mercedes from yorkshire, carmel from stockport, tina and john-paul from sale and michaela from salford! :think:
I think you might take a teeeeny bit to much notice :lol:
:think: I often wondered why John -paul was so well spoken when the rest of them were not.

I felt really sorry for mercedes today.
why do ppl feel bad for mercedes? iv not seen the most recent few :( whats going on?
leckershell said:
why do ppl feel bad for mercedes? iv not seen the most recent few :( whats going on?

Merc had a termination of the baby...


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