hi, very nervously stepping in here and with a question already...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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Hi, so some of you may know me already.

Im 6wks tomoz and its taken 2yrs to get to this point. Im so so nervous. I went docs today and altho it made me feel great and that its all real now. It also has freaked me out a bit, ive now got a midwife and an early scan appointment for nest weds. Ekkkkkk. Really hope its a super sticky bean.

I wanted to ask a quick question, i have had some slight spotting since sat night. Not very much at all old brown blood and mainly when i wipe but a little on my pad too, is this normal???

Michelle. x
Hi Michelle

I had spotting on and off from 5 weeks to 10 weeks.

For some it is normal - but I would mention it to your MW x
Thank you, im going to ring up and speak to my mw tomoz and book the first appointment with her il maybe mention it to her.

Michelle. x
Congrats Michelle!
I didn't get any spotting but i think it's quite common to have a bit :) that's great that you've managed to get a midwife appt so quickly! Got to wait til i am 10wks for mine!
Hope you have a stress free 9 months xx
Havent got a MW appointment just yet, got to ring up tomoz to book one. Ive got an early scan with the fertility clinic next week as i had to have a lap and dye op two months ago to remove endo and finally help me get my bfp.

Will prob have to wait till nearly 10wks too.

Michelle. x
I had spotting between 5-6 weeks and nothing since then. I had an early scan as a result at 7 weeks + 1 and all was well. Brown blood is fine, I even had pin pricks of red. Nothing to worry about providing you don't have any cramps with it!
Good luck x
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My missus had it from 7w to 10w - break through bleeding, bleeding is very common at the beginning, it's possible to bleed if now is a time you are normally "on". Implantation bleeding can also happen, also can bleed from cervical erosion, all pretty common. I wouldn't worry to much, it's old brown blood, . If u have no cramping and are not heavy. Don't worry, still contact your midwife tho, as I'm just a guy over the Internet and am not a trained professional, just telling from personal experience...


Good luck


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Thanks guys you have all been very helpful.

Michelle. x

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