Hi.. just a few questions


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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I started bleeding on the 5th of march @ 7 weeks, 6 days after a scan with a heartbeat.. I chose to wait and see if everything would happen naturally.. I went back a week later and it was confirmed that the baby had gone along with the sac but there was a lot of blood and clots remaining in my womb which they werent too happy about.

has anyone had a similar experience? I have to go back tomorrow for another scan to see if the volume has decreased but im not sure what will happen if it hasnt. ideally they want around 2cm but last week I had 23cm

also how long did you bleed for? I have had a few days with very little bleeding but then out of nowhere I will have a hugegush with a lot of clots.. I hope it will end soon, I feel like when the appointments and bleeding stops it will be easier to deal with..

thanks in advance x
Oh dear hun,

Have they actually offered you an alternative to "waiting it out", if so for your own sanity maybe you need to consider it.

If not I would suggest you ask the Dr what they can do for you at next appointment.

I had several scans from almost 6w and a HB was never detected. However it took 20 days for the actual miscarriage to occur, which is why they kept scanning me. I was never offered any alternative and amount of blood in my uterus was never mentioned?

I had a very heavy bleed and was scanned after that and told they were happy my womb was clear. That sounds harsh but I suppose it was a good thing I had passed what I needed to pass.

I am not sure how long they would have left me before they'd have offered a D&C? Surely almost 3 weeks was long enough. I felt like my life was put on pause. It was a horrific time.

Def see what they can do to help your body recover as quickly as possible, also watch out for anemia.

hey so sorry to hear your news. I had a natural mc in nov which lasted about two weeks in total, i was 5 and a half weeks preg. Then i fell preg straight away saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks then a week later it was gone. I couldnt go through another natural mc so i opted for a erpc which was quick and simple and only bleed for a few days after. Its a really horrible and sad time make sure you give yourself time to grieve and to get over the shock. I can promise you with time it will get better and be positve for the future, Pm me if you wana chat
Hi, sorry to hear your news. I lost mine at 11wks last Monday (though they think it only got to 8) I've never had any scans to confirm. Instead I was at hospital when I passed the sac and the gynae team checked it and my cervix and confirmed I'd passed it all. Got a pg test in a weeks time to check levels of hcg. Bleeding was still heavy ish for a few days with clots and some strong cramps. Now has thinned out and spotting.

If you carry on bleeding for quite a time and its heavy contact your epu. Take care x
thanks for your replies girls, I cancelled my appointment for today, she asked a few questions to make sure I wasn't hemorrhaging or had an infection. im just fed up :( im sick of sitting there watching new babies being brought home, im not bitter or jealous im so happy the parents have got a beautiful healthy bundle, it jyst hurts that it won't be happening to me now.. I just want it to be over now :(
Sorry to hear of your MC.

I lost mine at 8 weeks but didnt find out until my 11 week scan as there was no bleeding etc.

I went for the ERPC one well later, I felt that was the right choice for me.
At my scan I still had a thick lining- I had to have erpc to remove it as my body was being too slow.
Sorry you're going through this xx
Oh febmum2be, sorry this is still ongoing for you, that limbo period is awful to deal with.

I had the D&C I needed to get back on track in my head, but it did all kick off itself the night before , I bled like a fish, went to A&E and then I still needed the D&C, but it was best thing for me really , my next period arrived bang 26 days after D&C day.

I hope you can get out of limbo soon hun , were all here for you xX

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