Hhhmmmmm........Update - AF got me


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hey girls! Hope your all well?!
Just dropping in really to give you an update on me and for a bit of advise from those who have already got BFP's

I am currently on CD30 - after not knowing where i was in my cycle I had to look up old dates and was shocked to find that AF is actually 2 days late now,

I have had some af type pains on and off since sunday which is when AF was supposed to have greeted me, but nothing has come of it.

I am really tempted to test tomorrow morning but just part of me doesn't want to see a BFN so I might wait another couple of days to test.

I am constantly going to the toilet for knicker checking to make sure the witch hasn't turned up and have been really horny too!
Its hubbies 40th today and I've really worn him out!
Normally getting a bit frisky brings af on - but nothing -

Did anyone else get slight AF cramps but then go on to get BFP?

I'm excited and scared all rolled into one!!
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Hiya...I got af cramps right thru to been about 10 weeks pg,it was everythin stretching and growing. Got everythin crossed 4 ya xxx
Oooooh sounds so exciting! I had af type cramps until I was about 6/7 weeks pregnant and got a bfp the day af was due x baby dust honey hope this is it for you x x
Aww thanks girls - You've given me a bit more hope!!

Normally if I get AF pains then she is here the very next day - which would have been monday!

Also I did have ALOT of EWCM this month but didn't note what day it was on - I'm sure it was about 16 days ago though,

Surely I can't be this lucky and actually get to move over to tri 1! I did say that I had to be pg by the time hubby was 40!

Should I test tomorrow or should I wait?!

my cycle has been 28 days for the last 3 months so it would be strange if it suddenly changed again - but stranger things have happened I guess!

Also keep getting hot flushes and thought it was because I was coming down with a cold - but that seems to have dissapeared now!
Oh good luck, I had af type cramps, still getting them lol. I also used to get very hot at times, I also thought I was coming down with something, Good luck if you test tomorrow
Lots of luck and babydust for when you test hun :dust::dust::dust: x x

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Good luck hunni - i couldnt hold off testing especially if your late already - and what a birthday present for your OH it would be x
I know! I'm just worried about getting my hopes up and then getting kicked back down again!

I think I'm going to have to test in the morning and see what happens!

I have ebay cheapies or shall i get a first response tonight?!

I am scared now!!!
i got a bfp the day my af was due - i also had the increased CM and mild stomach cramps. Good luck! x
I really hope this is it, but knowing my luck af will be here when I wake up tomorrow!
I really hope she doesn't turn up though - it must be my turn now!
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Sounds promising hun...... whether you test today or test tomorrow if it is a no then you will be disappointed just the same..... BUT... if you test today and it is a postive imagine how special that will be for your fella... and if not then you can both go out and have a birthday drink together!!

Good luck hun... I agree it is your turn to move over to Tri 1

x x x x x x x xx x x x
Oooh! Sounds promising..

Do a test today!

Good luck xx
The reason I was waiting to test tomorrow was just in case she showed up later on today - although she normally gets me first thing in the morning!
And was gonna test with FMU tomorrow - Or should i test tonight?
Sounds promising hun! I really hope this is it for you. :) Personally I'd test later - just to give it a little more time, but that's just me - I've also been getting the mild cramps for a few days! I hope you get the result you want. :)
Ohhh, dont know how you are waiting - test today I say!!

All looks good - hope to see you in Tri 1 soon xxxx
do it in the morning hun as u will get a more acurate result :)

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