Hhhmmmmm........Update - AF got me

I'd wait till morning..... best to get FMU when testing early. You have ebay cheapies? Why not try one now (but dont be disappointed if BFN) and go out and but a CBD for the morning??
I'm stuck at work until 6:30 so won't be able to test until I get home,
Hubby doesn't want me to test until tomorrow for some reason - I think he's scared to think that we might have actually done it this month! Especially after trying for a year last year with no success,

he thinks that the witch might show her ugly face in the morning but I'm not so sure, oh well time will tell,

I'll get a first response test anyway on my way home - and see what happens in the morning,

TraceyM - CBD aren't supposed to be as sensitive as some of the other tests so I won't use one of them until I at least get a positive on a different test first!

I'm so excited now! I bet I won't sleep tonight!
Good luck Bonny I really hope this is it for you x x
good luck bonny, sending lots of babydust your way - i hope you get a BFP - we need more in september xx
Will be thinking of you Bonny, really hope you get your BFP. :)
Good luck Bonny i hope you get a bfp! I'm in a similar boat, but just a day late. Its sooo frustrating. Not sure if you should test tonight or not. I have as I knew I'dl go to bed thinking of pregnant if I didnt. BFN for me though :-( Hope its a different result for you.xxxx
Good luck Bonnie. Hoping this is you long awaited bfp. xxx
Good luck Bonnie, I really, really hope that this is it for you!!

What an exciting sounding update to get from you, really hope that this is it for you Bonnie - sending you lots of :dust:
Thanks girls!
Although got a bit of a headache now tonight which I normally get before af. Ut I also feel very sick now I've laid down,
if the witch isn't here in the morning I will test with eBay cheapies
and if she is here I guess I'll be ttc for a while longer!
No af this morning, still got a strange headache, feels like buzzing inside my head rather than actual pain
tested with fmu and eBay cheapies but no sign of that precious second line!
Just a matter of waiting a few more days to see what happens!
Fx 4 u bonnie...I had headaches really bad throughout 1st tri,I used to get them the day b4 af aswel. I'd b tempted to test with a branded hpt...eBay cheapies showed nothin up for me til a week after digi bfp xxxx
Ooohhhh that's interesting! Especially as I never got a positive on the cheapie opk's either!
Right stop of at asda after work cos can you believe sainsburys had no tests at all last night!
Must be a baby boom on round here!
I don't know whether to feel excited yet or not?
I am now on cd32 and My cycles haven't been this long since I had Accupuncture 3 months ago!
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Hi Bonny,

The most sensitive test you can buy in the shops is the First response early result.

It's quite a bit more sensitive than the others.

Hope that helps, good Luck xx
Thanks for that hun!
Thats what I'll be looking for tonight then,
The ones I had at home were 10mg - i bought them as being extra sensitive though not sure if they are or not!!!
Just seen this hun. I really really hope this it for you. It is very promising that you are late. I had af type pains through most of the 1st Tri.

I will keep everything crossed for you! xx
OMG MrsB! 19 weeks already! I can't believe that!
Honestly where is the time going!!!
Ah ive just read all the thread - im excited to find out!!

Really good luck for you!

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