Hhhmmmmm........Update - AF got me

still no sign of AF

Not sure what to think to be honest

Checked on FF and my longest ever cycle was 32 days, I made a mistake earlier I am actually on CD31 today, although I have no idea when I ov this month,

Guess I'm just gonna have to grab a first response test tonight and if no af tomorrow do the test
If still no AF and BFN then I will just have to wait until weekend and see what happens,

I just wish that I knew either way!
Ah Bonny, I can totally relate to you. I've had about 6 or 7 weeks since my last period (although I'm irregular, no idea when I ovulate etc) and absolutely no sign of it coming at all.

Going to re-test next week with a First Response and see what happens.

I really hope that this is it for you, it's a nightmare not knowing but no news is good news hmm? Least that's what I tell my husband! :)

Sending you a massive hug. :)
Whats frustrating me is that I stopped charting to relax about the whole TTC thing and now I end up in this mess because I don't know when I OV - If I was still charting at least I would know when AF was 100% due!

Oh well its all just a waiting game now!!!
Ah I see. I've never charted mine as I'm irregular so doubt it would work v. well for me! Do you at least know roughly when AF is due?? (Sorry if I've missed this?)
Thats ok Hun! AF was due on sunday, which would have been CD29, I am now on CD32 and still getting a few crampy type feelings but no sign of AF

I'm starting to wonder now whether the previous accupuncture I had has 'worn off' and my cycles have gone back to being longer again? The accupuncture did bring me down to a perfect 28 day cycle.

The first thing hubby asked me today when I spoke to him on my way to work was 'any sign of period yet?' think he's starting to get excited about us possibly being pg.

Roll on tomorrow so I can test again unless AF has turned up by then
Ah, my husband asks me that very question EVERY day! LOL. He's excited but trying not to be as he doesn't want to be disappointed.

Sending lots of babydust your way for tomorrow hun, even if it's a BFN, you're not out til AF makes an appearance!

I've never heard of accupuncture to make periods regular before, don't think I could do it either, I've got a massive phobia of needles!

I had cramp/twinges yesterday, mostly on my left side and backache too but not felt it today.

Whatever happens, you're not alone! :)
Just got some strong AF cramps and went to the loo and sure enough the witch has now arrived.

Gutted - really thought that this was my turn.

Oh well keep trying and see what happens next month!
Ah sorry babe... I was really hoping that this was your month!!

onwards and upwards though hun... October will be our month!! x x x x
Aaah boo!

Try not to be too sad and look forward to next month xx
Oh Poo! Really sorry Bonny!!

Good luck for next month though!

sorry bonny. fx for next month.xxxxx
:hug: hoping next month is your month mrs. Maybe you need another round of acupuncture to regulate you again xx
I'm sorry Bonny! I hope you're not feeling too down. All the best for next month! :hugs:

Just read your thread sorry to hear that. :sad:

Good Luck for next month. xx

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