hey ladies


Active Member
Jul 7, 2007
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im really confussed, is it possible to miscarry without you even knowing? i went for my 12 week scan on friday, it was there we got the devastating news, our baby had no heartbeat, he/she had died between 7-8 weeks. im totally gutted ive not had no pain what so ever and no bleeding, ive had him/her inside me 4-5weeks dead and i had no idea what so ever

thoughts and views would be helpfull

Can't give you any advice, but just wanted to say I'm so sorry that you lost the baby :hug:
i "think" thats classed as a missed miscarrage still if the baby dies but your body doesnt relise it so doesnt get rid of the baby inside you
have they given you any options on what to do about it or any advice?
manda xx
yeah thats what they put on my notes i can have a d/c or just wait to let nature take over,

im lettin nature take over then on 26th i get another scan to see whats happening
aww atleast you have good options though
wish you all the best for the future
manda xx
so sorry to hear your news :(

it is what is called a "missed" or "silent" miscarriage - literally your body "missed" the signs that all was not well and forgot to let go of baby :(

so sorry.xx
Hi Hun,

so so sorry for your loss. Yes, it's very cruel that this can happen and it's called a missed miscarriage. I had one too a fortnight ago when I was 10 weeks pregnant although they reckon that my pregnancy didn't actually go past 4 or 5 weeks even though my body and I thought it had. I had a bump and the womb/placenta etc of someone who was 10 weeks even though there was nothing inside the sac :( . I was really confused and kind of annoyed at my body for not telling me or for me missing the signs but really my body knew nothing of it either if you think about it?

The first I knew of it was when I started to bleed very heavily and lose a lot of other stuff too and I did end up in hospital on a drip as it was all very sudden for me and I lost a lot very quickly. I was scared too and it helped to feel that there were people looking after me. I just wanted to let you know that there is a chance it could be heavy just so that you're forewarned. It's not like that for everyone but I would hate for no-one to warn you. Your other option is a D&C which other people can tell you about as I didn't have one. In the end they scanned me again 5 days after I started bleeding and decided not to do a D&C but it was touch and go. I had no pain at first and then just bad period pain but I think that differs too, they have me paracetamol and ibuprofen in the hospital. Don't be afraid to ring your EPU if you want to talk to anyone about what might happen.

I am so so sorry hun, we will all be here to support you and answer any questions you have. :hug: How are you feeling? It took me a good two days until the shock gave way to grief but it takes us all differently...

PM me if you have an questions about miscarrying naturally or just want to talk

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry for your loss hun. :hug:

I had a missed miscarriage in June at 10 weeks. I didn't have any pain or bleeding. They said that my baby had died at about a week and a half earlier. I had really bad morning sickness and then one day I woke up and didn't have it anymore. That was my only symptom. I ended up having a D&C 5 days after my scan.
Hon im so sorry about your loss.

Its awful when nothing happens and then to be told your baby has died or nothing was growing...

Please feel free to pm me.


So sorry for your loss hun, hoping that things go smoothly for you

:hug: :hug:
I am so sorry about your loss hun xxx

when i had my MC at 9 weeks i knew that i was having one so i never made my 12week scan, but i went home and decided for the natural option like yourself and i really wouldn't do it ever again. Not that its not the right decision for you it just wasn't for me because 4 weeks later i still had to go and have a D&C anyway.
Maybe that was due to the hospital not knowing anything about me or not caring though, they turned a bad time in my life to the worse it ever got.

Anyway hun, i hope you feel ok again soon, and i can't tell you how sorry i really am

So sorry to hear your news. i was 14 weeks before I got my first scan and same happened to me. Twins had stopped growing at 9 weeks - that was about the moment when the morning sickness stopped but I didn't think anything about it. I had the D&C op which was all fine. Hope all goes well for you. lots of love :hug:
So sorry to hear your news. i was 14 weeks before I got my first scan and same happened to me. Twins had stopped growing at 9 weeks - that was about the moment when the morning sickness stopped but I didn't think anything about it. I had the D&C op which was all fine. Hope all goes well for you. lots of love :hug:

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