Hey Ladies. Update on me!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Sorry I've been a wee bit quiet :) Just a little update to say that tomorrow I'm going to hospital to be tested for Obstretric Cholestasis (I had it with Jacob and it was severe as no-one picked up on it until the day before I had him!). I'm really itchy legs, arms, fingers, neck, boobs, ears! I'm really hoping I don't have it again and it's just the heat!
:hug: hope it is just the heat Hun! Lucky thing, it's been pissing down here all week! Keep us updated hun xxxx
Lets hope its just the heat and everything with you and baby is well. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you :) xxx
Hope everything goes ok :) It's good they're looking into it now though just in case! x
Hope everything is ok Good luck Hunni x x

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At least they are testing early this time hun. Hope it goes ok! Xx
Awww hun :hug: When will you get the results?
:hug: good luck tomorrow, hope its not OC,but glad they are not just leaving it this time! Let us know howit goes xxx
Hope things go well and it is just the heat x
Hey ladies. Just been to the hospital will get my results this afternoon! Have been refered for a growth scan aswell as measuring a bit bigger x

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That's quick! That's really good that you will know so soon, it'll be a weight off your mind either way cos even if it is at least there's plenty of time for them to treat you. Hope it goes OK.


you get to see baby again!! I'm sure it's size will be OK, their measurements are always a bit out.
Glad you get your results quick enough :) Hope they come back clear!

Ooh another one having a growth scan?! I loved ours! :D Not when they told us he/she was a bit of a porker but seeing baby again was all good!
:yay: that's so cool that you're gettin another scan! It's fab how quick they're gettin the results back to you too! How do they test for it btw?
By bloods lol :) yeah a growth scan x

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Well bloods are back and I'm clear I don't have it :yay: Just got to wait for my growth scan to be rang through now!

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