Being Induced Next Week!

Well i'm all booked in for Monday! The only shame is that i'm under consultant care so I won't be able to use the midwife-led unit with birthing pools etc. It sounds silly but I don't know quite what to do for pain relief! When I found out he'd finally turned, I had my heart set on labouring in the water again. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.

Mel, I'm on 500mg of the urso tablets plus the vitamin k. I had a scan today but no more bloods so I don't know if they're working or not yet. They're happy with the blood flow through his umbilical cord and his heart rate so that's good. I'm back in on Saturday for more monitoring. Over the weekend the consultant told me that had it started earlier they'd have me in every week for bloods, but since i'm so close now they'll just induce me. Has your itching stopped now? xx

They thought I had this when I was having Riven luckily my levels went down drastically after the first blood test.

Have you been having a high dairy diet recently? I ask because in the lead upto my itching I was drinking a shed ton of milk for heartburn and they say a high dairy diet can affect this so to have a low dairy one, I stopped drinking the milk and my levels dropped....

They kept testing me every week for this though and I was classed as on the verge of having it, and I laboured at a midwife led unit, you can have any type of birth anywhere you like they cannot force you to go elsewhere if you don't want you just have to understand the risks. My friend who has this with really high levels had a home water you labour how you want to labour, if you need any help with what to say to them let me know, I went through it with Riven...

Most of all try not to worry it will be fine. Xxxx
I'm still itching loads, it seems worse at night. I have been eating a lot of cereal with milk, perhaps that's caused it?

I'm definitely going to push for a water birth if I can. I don't like the idea of being told my only option for pain relief is drugs. I'm back at the hospital for monitoring on Saturday so i'll see what they say then.

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