here today, gone tomorrow (movements)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Before last sunday id get a mild pulse like flutter every other day or so.

On sunday, it was as though baby was doing backflips in my belly, I felt him for a few minutes about 8 separate occasions throughout the day. Since then ive felt nothing :( I know hes tucked up happy enough thanks to my doppler but hes just not moving noticeably.

Is that a regular occurrence?
Hey Pippa, I have days with little going on but then he/she seems to go crazy again. Mine was very as hoc at 17 weeks but started to have more of a pattern to the movements over the last few weeks. Thinking baby is more of a sleeper like me :) x
It's normal, apparently when they are having growth spurts you feel it less as they do a lot of growing when they are asleep so wouldn't worry... I'm 22 weeks and still have days where I don't really fele he rmuch x
It's normal, apparently when they are having growth spurts you feel it less as they do a lot of growing when they are asleep so wouldn't worry... I'm 22 weeks and still have days where I don't really fele he rmuch x

That would make great sense, when I woke up this morning my tummy felt harder and a little morw bump like (under the extra flabby tummy!)
Oh hun, I completely freaked myself out last week too as I was ill and bubs didn't move for 2 days but all is well, 20 week scan was perfect and bubs is back to kicking the crap out of me.

seems normal for them to have quiet days when growing so try not to worry xx
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You're still very early pippa, I think I only started to just feel movements at about 18 weeks so you are quite lucky really! At 17 weeks they still have loads of room to hide and turn so he's probably kicking your back and you can't feel it :)

By the time you get to 37 you sometimes wish they would just stop haha. Enjoy the little movements, I loved them. Now it just feels like I'm in an abusive relationship lol.

(by the way - I totally hated people saying things like this to me - like the "oh just you wait.." comments, but its true so now I'm a hyprocrit and doing it all the time haha)
Haha I know ill be exactly the same "just you wait!"
All good points ladies, im not worried I just wondered if it was normal to be so active one day and nothing for the next few.
I keep forgetting how early along I still am! I just want to feel the fluttery bits everyday :)
Won't be long until they are regular hun, I get movement every single day now I am 20 weeks. My bubs is proper active little monkey now and it even gets a little uncomfortable when baby really goes for it so god knows how uncomfortable it will be by 30 weeks lol. Love it though, best feeling in the world :D xxx
I had that pippa dont worry your still very early for regular movement, id have a day where shed go crackers then nothing for days n days!! Like you my doppler kept me sane!hax
Yeah, I had the same - very intermittent at that stage. I am getting daily (around 5-6 episodes) and stronger and stronger movements now, which are developing a pattern.
Same with me Pippa and I think someone said that they go quiet when they're having a little growth spurt, and you're at that stage where baby is growing xx

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