Herbie Elvis Pelmear 20/09/10 8lb 9oz


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Well last sunday night I started getting cramps in my belly you could see my whole belly come up into a point but this is all I got with dolly till 40 mins before she was born.
So as o/h had to be at work at 5 in the morning 10 o'clock that night we went down to the hospital to see if anything was happening.
When we got there I got checked over and midwife said I was still 2-3 cm so they didnt class that as labour
I told her about dolly's birth how fast it had been at the end and she said sometime with ppl that have had a couple of kids it can take abit of time to get to 4cm but then go really fast from there, so I got sent home and everything stopped that night so o/h went to work.

Monday more monty had got to school and me and dolly were at home about 10:30 I started feeling a few cramps but nothing much, about 12:30 I ran a bath and the pains were starting to get a little stronger.
1'oclock I was walking around and around the kitchen and just breathing every time I got a pain I could now tell somthing was going to happen today but o/h was finishing work at 2 so I didnt worry as I knew he would be home soon
Then I was fine walking and walking I tried to sit once but the pain was much stronger when I sat down.
At 2 o'clock I started to worry I was home alone with dolly and nobody knew my pains had started up again to I rang my mam that lives about 20mins away and my cousin that only lives 5 as I could feel that the pain where getting strong now.

At 2:20 my cousin came to sit with dolly and my o/h came in from work I said we have to go I'm in pain lol, so In all hit work uniform we set off to hospital that is less then 10mins away.
Now I was sat down in the back of the car the pain was terrible I was arching my back with every contraction and o/h and my cousin bf were have a good laugh in the front thinking I had ages to go yet and just telling me to breath through the pain I did not find them funny at the time but looking back now I dont think they had any idea I was minutes away from giving birth.

We were stuck in traffic outside the hospital and I really could of cried, I was saying I'm just going to have to walk (good job I never)
We walked into the day unit at 2:50 and I was saying I need to have my baby!!!! as they keeped trying to ask me silly thing like how far apart are the contractions.

They got me into a room as asked me to lay on the bed so they could see how dilated I was the pain was terrible when I lay down I wanted to just back up all's I can remember is the midwife opening the door and shouting fully dilated and the room fill with ppl.

They ran me on the bed to the first delivery room they could get to my o/h pull off my legging and saddles lol, and with one puff of gas and air and one push my gorgeous beautiful baby boy came into the world they put him on me and I opened his legs and said to my o/h its a boy.

It was the strangest moment of my life I had just been sat in the car less then 10mins ago now I had my baby in my arms I was still fully dressed from the waist up and my hospital bags sat on the floor untouched.

Just after that they delivered the after birth as soon as it came out I stared bleeding the doctor was pressing on my belly really hard but it wouldn't stop so the giving me a needle in my leg, about 5 mins later still no luck and I started to worry as I bleed after dolly but not this much.
In the end the doctor said I need tablets in my bum to try and stop the bleeding thankfully this worked but the doctor had to put her hand inside and remove clots and membrane and this was very very painfully much worse then then the birth.

As I had had such a big bleed I had to stay in 24 hours so my mum brought the kids up to see my monty (5) was very tearful bless him I think he was just so worried about me sayt there with drips etc in, but dolly just couldn't believe mammy had got the baby out of her belly lol and she has been brilliant with him.

I came home Tuesday tea time and have some blood clotting needles I have to give myself for a week.

I must say I have got the goodest little boy in the world I havent herd him cry yet and he is having 4oz every 4 hours and even on the odd time we see him with his eyes opened he is just so content hope he stays that way, Think he has been lesioning for the last 9 months to our mad house and had thought I better be a good baby for my mammy.

Thank you all for being with me through my pregnancy it really has give me much needed support and I have loved see use have your babies too and am looking forward to all the up coming births, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wicked story lanny .... How bloody fast???? Congratulations Hun xxx

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Yay!!!! Congratulations again darling! Love his name! x can't believe how fast it was! Hope he stays good for you x
congrats that well fast and scary how quick glad you got to the hospital in time!! he sounds like a dream baby xx
Wow!! Super duper fast!! Congratulations!!
Great story, shame about the bleed and stuff afterwards but sounds like you have an amazing baby boy at home now :)
Congrats! I'm amazed how fast it all happened in the end. Love the name too xx
Huge congrats lanny!!! Such a brill birth and herbie is gorgous!!! x x
Many congratulations, can't believe how quick that was!! I love his name :).
Congratulations Lanny, sounds like you've got a keeper there. Glad you're all OK.

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