Help with Variations of spelling


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Hi everyone!

So we have decided our baby will be called "George" but of course me being me, I don't want to spell it like that.

Sofia is my daughter and we spelt that a little differently, only thing is I can't really find any spelling variations that aren't pronounced differently eg Jorge is pronounced "horhay" as its Spanish.

Anyone got any ideas?
Ohh George is a difficult one. I personally wouldn't change the spelling of that as they will then spend their whole life having to correct people and spell it out (speaking from experience having many years spelling my surname, it is very annoying). Sofia is different as that is a fairly widespread spelling.
I cant think of any variations except maybe dropping the e, Georg but trust me everyone will put the e in anyway. Good luck!
To be honest I wouldn't mess with the spelling of George, it will cause him so much hassle in life. There's no real way of shortening it I don't think although I've heard the nick name Geo. Sorry hope you don't take offence I just have to be honest it's kind of a bug bare with me. Lovely name though and goes well with Sofia. I'm just always at a loss as to why people want to mess with the spelling of perfectly good names lol x
I agree with the others I'm afraid hun. George is too difficult to change and he wouldn't thank you for it! George is perfect as it is xx
I think Kerry Katona spells her daughters name Jorge.
Thanks for your help ladies, I already have the hassle with people getting sofia wrong all the time lol! So maybe putting 2 kids under that umbrella is a bit mean :rofl: but I just like to vary things a little, its just the way I am.

I was toying with the idea of "Georje" but it looks really stupid on paper and yeah, everyone will just spell it how they want. I don't mind "Jorge" but of course the spanish way is horhay! lol so I don't want that mix up either lol - maybe i just have to accept it.

Any ideas on different spellings of Peter??? thats his middle name and maybe I could just mess about with that instead lol
Horhay :rofl: no don't do that to the poor boy!!

Pierre for Peter? If we are going all europeany lol.

:rofl: Oh god could you imagine lol!

No don't like that .... God I am so fussy!! xx
Have to throw my two cents in being from across the sea lol, the Irish version of Peter is Peadar or Peadair (pronounced like pad er in Irish but usually just Peter)
The Catalan version is Jordi - pronounced like Geordie - so not exactly the same pronunciation as George but close. It is ridiculously popular in Catalunya - always seems like about 1 in 4 boys here have the name - but sure it isn't a popular variant in the UK.
What about Gheorghe? Gheorge as well withoit second h.
Oh or the French version, Georges - can't you just imagine him now at university studying philosophy and wearing a black polo neck? ;)
:rofl: Yes I can! Hahahaha! Oh god I think I am gonna just have to stick with the usual version, I don't know what to do! xx
I think you've picked a lovely name, it would honestly just be an annoyance for him his whole life correcting people on the spelling. You're child will be unique no matter how his name is spelled xxx

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