Help really worried

Hey hun...firstly, DO NOT read the rubbish some people put on other websites as I did when it happened to me on Saturday...Mine had small traces of blood (about paper cut amount!) and i panicked! Ended up in A & E...the blood was a water infection and the 'discharge' id experienced is apparently common for 9-10 weeks when the uterus 'ditches' some of the protective stuff used to keep the tiny baby safe so far...It can also be a way of cleaning the insides they told me...Ive had paranoia for the last 3 days but seriously KEEP CALM...the hospital told me to only get in touch again if i experiences which they meant something like a period...defo go on the side of caution but try to stay calm...not everything is a bad sign...easier said than done i know, but i went thru the same on saturday xxx
I hope everything is ok xxxxxxx
I hope evrything is ok.

Thinking of you

Hope your ok lovely I really do!!! X x x
Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on until now but I couldn't face it yesterday:0( went to hospital yesterday and they done and ultrasound scan along with a vaginal scan and there was no sight of the embryo sac there, took a pregnancy test and the line was so faint that I was nearly non existant. They took blood and checked hormaone levels and asked me to stay with them for a couple of and they would pub for the results to be given the same day. Not sure what each one was called but one was at 3.5 which should have been in the hundreds and the other was 52 which should have been in the thousands so sadly I have lost my baby. I cried all night on Monday and had midwife phone me everyt two hours and woke at five yesterday morning and the bleeding was getting heavier so the asked me to get the first boat over and they would be waiting for me at the early pregnancy unit. But on the boat trip over I went to the loo and I had passed some clotting and knew myself that it was all over. Oh is offshore at work and was signed to no work all day yesterday but insisted he wanted to work today but he has not slept and is in bits out there. Other thing is he still has a week to go until I can have him home here with me. My family have really been great the last 48hrs and have helped out with my daughter greatly and couldn't have done it without them. Have to go to docs tomorrow to have second bloods taken to double check hormones are still dropping back down to normal. Thank you again for all your reassurance on here over the last two days and hopefully not too far I the future I will be back here in tri1 again. Xxxx
Im so sorry hun, sending you massive :hugs: x x

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I'm really sorry. Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your loss xxxxxxxxx
im so sorry to here that hun. make sure you get lots of rest and good luck for the future. xx
oh my poor darling, no words can help you feel any better but I am sending you all my love and strength xxx

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