help possible 2nd ectopic??


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Hi girl

Me and my hubbie have been TTC for 3 years ive had 2 early misses both at 6 weeks and an ectopic treated with methetrexate. Got the bfp yesterday and I am so paranoid about having another ectopic ive had mild cramping today but am I imagining this got scan Booked for friday I'm so scared x
Fx for you hun. I dont have any advice but try not to worry to much.

Michelle. x
If your HPT looks good then that's a good sign it's not ectopic as they can make hpts fainter or show later than usual.

I certainly don think you'd feel an ectopic so early either :)

Good luck xx
I thought they did blood tests to measure hcg levels and then they knew when to scan you to check it was nestled in the right place? Perhaps they will scan you friday and again in a week or so, till they can def see it's ok in there. I thought 6 weeks was the time ectopics started causing the symptoms, bleeding etc, how many weeks did you start getting problems last time?

Wishing you a really sucessful scan on friday hun X
I'm about 5 weeks I'm so frightened..... last time didn't get any symptoms till 6 weeks! Will see on Friday anyway rang the epu as soon as i found out and they wanted me to come for a scan ASAP!
Had the scan couldn't see anything. Took my bloods but only at 130 Friday and 214 Sunday! Had light pink spotting Sunday night and today going for more bloods tomorrow but it doesn't look good! :( x
I have everything crossed for you. i had an ectopic treated with Methotraxate and it would break my heart if it was to happen again.

Did they tell you if those levels where normal or if they should be higher. I know its hard but try and stay positive.

Nicks x
Im sorry to hear this and have my fx for you that it will be ok.

Michelle. x
Confirmed today as my 3rd M/c glad its not ectopic but still breaks my heart :( its so easy for everyone else!!!! x
arh no sorry about this hon, it must be so heart breaking. Sending you big hugs.

Love Gizzy xxx

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