help pooping after birth


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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so just before midnight on 1st august 2350 I gave birth vaginally to my son. I had an episotomy I have weed fine but I can't seem to poo I did sadly poo in labour when pushing ... Why can't I poo now anyone else what can I do sorry tmi ?! X
Have some lactulose to help soften it and get it on its way. It took over a week after having my first for there to be any poo - it will come eventually. xx
Have some lactulose to help soften it and get it on its way. It took over a week after having my first for there to be any poo - it will come eventually. xx

Thanks do you buy that at pharmacy and will it affect Ben as I'm breast feeding and don't want to upset him too? "
I didn't poo after labour for about a week, the midwife asked me every time she saw me if I done one yet. She rang the doctor and got me a prescription for some tablets to help me poo and some liquid to soften it.

Speak to the midwife, as if you can get a prescription it will be free :)
p.s. make sure you're drinking plenty of water x
Drink plenty of water and take some fybogel.
I was "scared" to poo after labour so maybe a mental thing? x
Took me a good few days as I was scared about stitches and that x
I was more scared of pooing after birth than actually giving birth lol!

I managed to on day 2! It wasnt as bad as i thought.
But if u physically cant actually go and u dont think its just in your head stopping you, get some tabs or just have some fruit hun. Its healthy and might open ur bowels.

I managed day 5in the end and it was ok phew
Took me 5 days on lactulose and fybogel and I named it turtle. There's a reason why they say you might want to name your first poo after giving birth and I figured out why. God I cried I'd said, I given birth piece of and now am scared to poo wt*'s all this about :'(
I'm taking lactulose at the moment. Managed 2 days after labour but am still having difficulties...episiotomy does not help - definately a mental thing with me. :( x
I've just come to post a similar question but here we go! Feel much better reading your threads.

I had my baby on the 9th and I've still not been. Been drinking lots and had lots of fruit juice which always helps me. I think I last pood on Thu am (8th) so I guess its not that bad.

I had a lot of stiches and apparently was bleeding from the rectum in labour so guess I'm just scared!

I've just come to post a similar question but here we go! Feel much better reading your threads.

I had my baby on the 9th and I've still not been. Been drinking lots and had lots of fruit juice which always helps me. I think I last pood on Thu am (8th) so I guess its not that bad.

I had a lot of stiches and apparently was bleeding from the rectum in labour so guess I'm just scared!


Yeh it is scary for sure... But definatly eat tonnes of fruit too and lots of fibre bran for brekkie anyone?! I still am not daily as I used to be but think because my stitches have come out I'm defo scared but I'm managing every few days xx
With me it was because my back passage felt so weird??

The most surprising thing for me about giving birth was how funny it made my bum feel?

I didn't tear or graze or have any stitches.... I also had my MW stick a finger up my bum whilst doing my immediate check-up after I'd delivered... to make sure I didn't have a 3rd or 4th degree tear (I didn't, I needed G&A for the finger up the bum though lol)

After having James I felt like I'd had the worlds biggest poo :shock: :lol:

Think I went day 3 or 4 and it was so bizarre, took a few numbers 2's before it felt normal again.

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With me it was because my back passage felt so weird??

The most surprising thing for me about giving birth was how funny it made my bum feel?

I didn't tear or graze or have any stitches.... I also had my MW stick a finger up my bum whilst doing my immediate check-up after I'd delivered... to make sure I didn't have a 3rd or 4th degree tear (I didn't, I needed G&A for the finger up the bum though lol)

After having James I felt like I'd had the worlds biggest poo :shock: :lol:

Think I went day 3 or 4 and it was so bizarre, took a few numbers 2's before it felt normal again.


I did have an episiotomy but I know what you mean about your bum feeling funny...mine felt seriously bruised for days. It's lovely to be able to sit normally again.

My advice would be to others is to go go go when you have any
Seriously, pooing after labour for me hurt far worse than actually giving birth. I am not joking. Next time as soon as I've popped baby out I'll be asking for something to make it as soft as possible!!!
A tip fot if anyone searches this again (as im aure they will lol) my widwife told me to put my feet up when on the loo so my knees were raised. It REALLY helps. Lean forward too. I had an episiotomy that got infected and was scared to go and this position makes your body go by itself without you needing to push. Gross but it works xx
I had a section and had problems going, apparently the painkillers can cause problems and they can touch your bowel which sends it into shock... It's still not quite right and hurts when I go. Sections suck as weeing is painful too.if bladder gets too full. Something else they throw about in there!! :-/

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