Help, please!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Just went to the toilet and as I got up notice there was like this light brown stuff on the bowl. I then wiped an there was this clear, browny discharge- the tissue was tinted brown.

So now I'm worried as I don't know what it is. My lower back does ache, bit not anymore that it usually does. I was on my feet a lot yesterday and ddnt really eat much either.

What do I do? What would you do?

Last edited: give ur mw a call just to b safe. I had this happen quite a lot in my last pregnancy and i had to go to the antenatal clinic at the hospital each time and b checked over and swabs taken to check for infection xxxx
yh i agree with Emmamb. Give your midwife a call. Hope everything is ok. big :hugs:
Definatley give your MW a ring...hope everything is good xxx
Do I call the antenatal clinic that's on my notes? There's so many numbers! I feel silly for calling!
Sounds wierd but I don't quite no what to say either! Do I ask to speak to a midwife?x
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. Call the midwife Have you been assigned. Should say somewhere on the front of your notes. :/ saying that as its sunday she may not be there. there should be an antenatal clinic number... :/ Dont feel silly. If you are worried another to post a thread saying "help" then you have a genuine reason for calling. Just tell her what you have told us "light brown stuff on the bowl. I then wiped an there was this clear, browny discharge- the tissue was tinted brown." and that "my lower back hurts too" xx Let me know how it goes xx
Tbh I haven't even looked at the numbers on my notes but IN previous pregnancies i had ward number,clinic number and labour number...try ringin the antenatal clinic 1st,if there's no1 there then usually an answerphone msg will tell u who to ring. Just explain to whoever answers that ur not sure if u've rung the right number and what's happened and they should b able to advise u xxx
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As I am not yet viable I have to just see what happens. If I get bright red blood then I need to go to a&e.
I have my fingers firmly crossed for you sweety, im sure everything will be fine.
I hope it's ok, got my scan tomorrow so that might help me relax.

Tbh I think I did too muchthis weekedn and it's taken a toll.x
Try not to worry (easier said than done), as your 20 weeks , it may be slight spotting around the time of your period would have been, I got that earlier on for the first few months.

Did you have any nookie in the last few days, that can cause that too, due to knocking the blood vessels etc rather than anything to do with baby

Have everything crossed for you hun X
Try not to worry (easier said than done), as your 20 weeks , it may be slight spotting around the time of your period would have been, I got that earlier on for the first few months.

Did you have any nookie in the last few days, that can cause that too, due to knocking the blood vessels etc rather than anything to do with baby

Have everything crossed for you hun X

No, no nookie. The family are staying with us at the moment so we have been beeing good. But like i said ive done too much this weekend, been on my feet for most of it. So i probably over did it. Plus i am happy to report that baby has been wriggling about and kicking all day! x
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Try not to worry (easier said than done), as your 20 weeks , it may be slight spotting around the time of your period would have been, I got that earlier on for the first few months.

Did you have any nookie in the last few days, that can cause that too, due to knocking the blood vessels etc rather than anything to do with baby

Have everything crossed for you hun X

No, no nookie. The family are staying with us at the moment so we have been beeing good. But like i said ive done too much this weekend, been on my feet for most of it. So i probably over did it. Plus i am happy to report that baby has been wriggling about and kicking all day! x

Ahh great news Shootingstar:dance:
Thats really good, glad baby has been moving loads xx
As I am not yet viable I have to just see what happens. If I get bright red blood then I need to go to a&e.

thats disgracefull!!! wait and see what happens how dare they say something like that, they could off at least brought u in for a scan!!! sorrythats mad me really mad a scared mum to be and they say something like that!!
As I am not yet viable I have to just see what happens. If I get bright red blood then I need to go to a&e.

thats disgracefull!!! wait and see what happens how dare they say something like that, they could off at least brought u in for a scan!!! sorrythats mad me really mad a scared mum to be and they say something like that!!

Well she didnt say "viable to me", she said it in a different way. What happened is she took me off hold too soon and i heard her say "yes i know shes not viable but you know"...i was a bit shocked, but knew this as a fact anyway. Then she said to me that it could be from a number of things, and that if it were a miscarriage there would be little they could do. If it turns into red blood, or i feel unwell (as it could be an infection) then go to a&e. She said that the doctors may not want to see me, and try and push me to the maternity ward but they should take a look at me. Though they would "accpet me" at the maternity ward if i was sent there.

Just made me feel silly for calling...which is what i was worried about before calling them!

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