Help please girlies!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
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Soooo we and OH BDd on Tuesday night and about 10mins after I started getting my OV pains!!! We didnt use anything bad habbits and just got carried away ( I have 0 sex drive :lol: )

That puts me in quite a very possible position of conceving surely?? Or is there some secret Im not knowing off??

I was freaking out a bit but OMG IM so broody now so Im kinda hoping its BFP :shhh: Im desperate to POAS!!!

When is the best time not so I disappoint myself when it could still be a BFP. Does that make sense???

Just want your opinions pwease sweeties!!!
well the longer you wait the better in terms of getting a result you can trust. :)
at least until af is due if you can :hug:
Do you know what cycle day you are on? or when your last cycle started and when you are next due?

If not then I would wait about 15 days....if you have just ov'd or are oving then your af will be due in about 14 days.

Hope you get the result that you want :) :hug: :hug:

**ETA...have you noticed any EWCM or watery cm? This is a sign of possible ovulation **
I had lots of both CM a couple of days prior and on the day. My last AF was on (I think) 3rd Feb. Ive been having 28 - 29day cycles the last 3 months. Does that help??
Ok so today Ive had more CM. Should I be getting that if Ive Ov'd?
LilysMummy said:
I had lots of both CM a couple of days prior and on the day. My last AF was on (I think) 3rd Feb. Ive been having 28 - 29day cycles the last 3 months. Does that help??

Yes that does help..

was the 3rd your first day of AF? I have worked on that it was :)

CD1 was 3rd Feb

Possible fertile 13/16....give or take a day

AF due around 3rd March

With you babydancing on the 17th you may have just missed ov or just caught ov :? so really it is just a waiting game to see if AF arrives

Hope that makes sense :)

LilysMummy said:
Ok so today Ive had more CM. Should I be getting that if Ive Ov'd?

What type of cm is it? sorry tmi
Not being grim but it could easily by his spermies still spilling out of you!!!!!! they do like to sit tight till the most inconvient time to come out :lol:

I wouldnt worry to much, its a good sign you have loads CM, but as others said best wait till af is due then test!
Rock-Angel said:
Not being grim but it could easily by his spermies still spilling out of you!!!!!! they do like to sit tight till the most inconvient time to come out :lol:

I wouldnt worry to much, its a good sign you have loads CM, but as others said best wait till af is due then test!

If they stayed in since Tuesday id give him a medal :lol:

A&J Its watery if thats the best was to describe it. And yeah it was the 3dr (maybe the 4th) that was the first day of my AF.
LilysMummy said:
A&J Its watery if thats the best was to describe it. And yeah it was the 3dr (maybe the 4th) that was the first day of my AF.

The 2 things that come to mind is

1) You are having a long cycle and oving now (as watery cm is fertile!)

2) More cm then normal is often a sign of pregnancy.....and IF you did ov on 16th then you will be 7dpo so it is possible to be showing now :think:

Have you got any more signs? If you are 7dpo then a BFP Could show in 3 days on a first response or a ebay cheapie.

Good Luck and I hope you get the result that you want :hug: :hug:
Dont leave me!! LOL Your like an amazing answerbank!!!!

I had 2days of water CM then BDd and had what I assumed are OV pains 10mins after BDing and now more WateryCM

Ive had like pinging pains in my tummy randomly today and yesterday I had like a tingling feeling on my left hand side for about 10mins then went. Dont know if any of those are signs...
LilysMummy said:
Dont leave me!! LOL Your like an amazing answerbank!!!!
:oops: I have never been called that before :lol: :) :hug:

LilysMummy said:
I had 2days of water CM then BDd and had what I assumed are OV pains 10mins after BDing and now more WateryCM

Ive had like pinging pains in my tummy randomly today and yesterday I had like a tingling feeling on my left hand side for about 10mins then went. Dont know if any of those are signs...

It is hard to say really :think: it could be implantation pings and pang pains or it could be your body gearing up for AF.

The worse part about TTC is the symptom spotting!! Both pg and AF symptoms are the same so it is a waiting game :(

Best thing to do is leave it a couple of days and test. If you do not want to spend a fortune then I would get a couple of ebay cheapies and see what happens.

Keep me informed of any progress :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I will hun. I have a boot first response from a few months back when I had a scare and maybe one ebay cheapie somewhere. I think Im going to test Thursday if nothing as showed up as definate.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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