Help please - Breast Pumps??!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone could help. I'm looking to breastfeed my little one this time as I tried with my son but couldn't manage it after 2 weeks. My breasts were huge and I couldn't seem to do it sitting up, only laying doen which made it a nightmare to go out etc and felt very isolated shutting myslef away in mine or friends bedrooms etc all the time!

Anyway, I want to give it another go this time but have got a few weddings etc to go to and think it will be easier to express milk for these but I haven't got a clue about breast pumps i.e. what type, whether they really work, any recommendations and advice etc :think: . I'm not too worried about what it will cost cause it will still be so much cheaper than formula milk.

Any help would be great - thanks :D !

Tan x
Hi Tan
I've got an Avent Isis handpump - I'm finding it hard work!! I think quite a few girls on the forum have recommended electric pumps.
However, some hospitals will rent out a "industrial" (that sounds awful) pump. Worth finding out, maybe.

Oscar nearly 18 weeks and I'm still struggling to get more than 2 oz. Maybe I dont' do it often enough - but Oscar has a strong suck and seems to leave very little behind. :shock: :D

Good luck
Emilia xx
i started off with an avent isis manual pump, but got really fed up and invested in the avent isis IQ electric one, and it is great!
I have an electric (or battery) medela one, it's quite noisy but very easy to use.....the hand ones can be hard work!
Same as Urchin, find it alot easier to use.
The mini medula - can be battery or mains operated. Expresses real quick :)
I got the Mothercares own hand use one, as I was expressing 8 times a day I found this bloomin' hard work and it probably contributed to me drying up! If you are regularly expressing I would get an electric one, they 'suck' better too. I used to get 1-2oz's of colostrum a go in hospital, that's before my milk came in! :)
I bought Boots own brand electric pump cause it was recommended. I only pump in the morning as i am so full cause Alex sleeps from 9.30 toll 6.30.

I used the Avent hand pump and it was a nightmare! Much faster and i can express whilst Alex is on my other boob.

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