Help! Just got some bad news....


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hello Everyone

Well went doctors today to go and see the doctor for my partner's sperm results, well I am in shock and very upset.

He has a very very low sperm count!!!! The normal range should be 20 million per m/l and he has 1 million per m/l.......I cried and didn't know what to say because I had to go back and tell him, in which I have done now and he was relaxed about it, you know what men are like.

They have told my partner to change his lifestyle, in which in don't need to change that much because he don't smoke or drink and it's resonablly healthy. They said he needs to eat high protein and more vitimans within his diet and low fat stuff! Which is not a problem and also wear boxers instead of pants.

In the meantime they are sending him for another test and then he will be going for treatment, the both of us, which they have gave us the option of IVF, which means they will take what good sperm he has and implant it into my egg etc....apperantly the NHS give you 2 free cycles (try's) and then after that you have to pay which is very expensive!

I have only just stopped crying as it is heartbreaking news for us and now we know why I am not falling pregnant....What am I going to do? Is anyone else going through the same thing?

Just needed to get this off my chest and my partner is the sort of person just to bottle it up inside and don't speak to much about it

Donna xx :wall2:
hun dnt give up hope! go for the ivf hun and i hope if works!!
I had a teacher who had IVF & got pregnant on the first try. Since then she's had another child naturally.

Go for the IVF & good luck. :)
Ahh that's horrid news to recieve. Ivf is only gwttin better and more researched, so I think you should do it. At least you know there's still 1million (to me that's loads but if below average would explainthings) and it only takes 1 to fertilise an egg! Wishing you all the best sweety. X
Oh hon, so sorry to read this. It sounds like they are hopeful about improvements if he makes soime changes which is really positive and I have a friend who fell first time on IVF and is now the proud mummy to a lovely little girl. I hope u guys manage to talk it through and everyone on here is here for u anytime x x x
Thanks ladies....

We have spoken about it and no matter what, we are going to go for the IVF option if we are funded on NHS for it, as we have heard it all depends on your local PCT and funding that is there, shoulde be though lol

Donna x
one of my colleagues has just gone through ivf and got pregnant on her first try. she is now 9weeks 3 days.

Good lick with the ivf hunni, sorry it was bad news from the docs :hug:
Sorry to hear that, fingers crossed for the ivf babe. 2 of my friends have had ivf & both have gone on to have more children naturally even after being told it would never happen. 1 had twins naturally 10 months after the son she had through ivf!! & she'd been trying for 7yrs before that. There's always hope : ) xx
Awww hun, this news isnt what you wanted! **Hugs** keep your chin up, there is always ways around it. The NHS IVF sounds like its worth at least one shot if you both feel ready for it. Hope your both doing ok xxxxxxxxxxx
What crushing news, at least you know one way or the other and can look at options instead of waiting for ages and then finding out. Not much comfort I know but I hope it's something. Really gutted for you, xx
Really sorry to hear that Donna :(

Did you speak to the doctor about IUI?

They concentrate and clean your OHs sperm and then inject it directly into your uterus and it means you can save your IVF attempts, although if they are scrapping free IVF cycles in your area then you might want to jump on them asap.
So sorry to hear that Donna:hugs:, glad your going for IVF, i hear it has a very high success rate. xxx
Thanks Ladies....

I am still in shock and one of our family friends had her baby yesterday and that made me burst into tears with excitment for her and also I suppose a bit of jealously! I just feel so down to be honest with you all, I can't get my head around it....All the questions going around in my head, don't know what to do or what to think to be honest with you at the moment, is this normal?

I just hope there is some hope out there for us and everything is going to be ok, we have a long way ahead of us yet said the doctor...

Donna x
I'm so sorry BL, but as you've been trying so long I would get started on the IVF straight away! 4 Years is a hell of a long time and you deserve to get your little one as soon as possible.

Our doctor talked to us about IVF and said that some people think it's unnatural and dont want to do it! I almost fell off my chair in suprise. I was like "the sooner the better! Who cares how you concieve as long as you do!"

Get back to your docs and ask for a referral straight away. xxx
Thanks everyone

I am going to consider IVF/IUI....Just got to wait to be called for an appoinment with a consultant and then I suppose they will get the ball rolling..

In the meantime I am going to go off the forum for a while, to get my head around things and I will pop on there and then, but not as much

Donna xxx
Sorry for you're news and best of luck and lots of babydust to you for IVF xxx
Sorry to hear that Donna :( Are you still coming to the meetup? Check your PMs :)
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I will check my PM'S still so don't worry, I will still be lurking around the forum, just will not be posting as much

Donna x
I wish you all the luck in the world with the IVF Babylover!!


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