Help, Getting worried, should I be?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi ladies
Starting to get a bit worried things are happening that shouldnt be yet.....
Last night i was a passenger on a rather long car journey and towards the last two hours i started getting pains down one side of my bump, little man was still active so put it down to being in the car so long. Then i started with low back pain, different to my SPD pains this was like deep period pains, then i started with pressure in my bits and although i wasnt in agony i was getting very uncomfortable. We stopped at the next services had a walk to stretch our legs, used the loo etc but both these activities made the pressure worse and i was glad to get back in the car again and recline in the seat! Anyway we got home late, i had ten mins in the bath to try and soothe things which did help but got straight in bed afterwards and the pains started to come bck. Ive managed my usual broken sleep and things arent any more painful but arent any better either. Since going for a number 2 earlier (sorry! :blush: ) ive had period type pains on n off at the front, but not regular. and the last thing........ lol, been to the loo just now and i was quite watery when i wiped. ive always had a fair amount of discharge but its not been as clear and thin as this. im not leaking as my knickers arent wet but its definatley different. theres no smell to it at all, not even a 'down there' type smell as there sometimes is with the discharge.
sorry for rambling and the tmi, i just dont know if these things are normal combined or if i should do something, wait it out etc, it just doesnt feel right xx
If it doesn't feel right call your Mw or labour ward and discuss it with them. Chances are its nothing but if you're worried its what they ate there for. I can hardly go in the car now ad it makes me feel pants, I get so uncomfortable and lots of pain and pressure think its where baby is squished. They will probably tell you to put a pad on, take some paracetomol and go to bed or in the bath. This is because sometimes that enough to knock you out of early labour if that's what's happening. Everything will be fine tho don't worry Xx
Thanks lettie, im laid in bed at the moment, on my left. Still feeling things but im laid here thinking about it and dont want to obsess about it and build it up in my head, lol. Cant win x
Maybe move to the sofa and watch tv? When I'm in bed atm I convince myself I have pains etc but as soon as um distracted with tv etc, they become much less severe. Xx
Dont like to be a nuisance or look daft, lol, and i know they must hear it every day but still... x
Don't worry about that I was told they'd rather we rang if we were worried than not and something be wrong xxx

Yeah i suppose and wouldnt want to put LO in danger for the sake of feeling awkward. Going to see how i get on for a couple of hours and if its still there ill phone. Dont know why i feel funny calling her, shes lovely! x

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