Help!! Depo injection and Tcc


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I have been on the depo injection on and off for 9 years. I started the depo again last year and had 3 injections, my injection is due today however my My finace and I have decided we want to start a family. I went to my gynie last month and she told me to take duphaston for ten days, as this should bring on my period. She said if it doesnt come wait 14 days from the last tablet and then do a preg test. Well one week later and nothing.
Is it possible for me to be preg? Im so worried now after ready other peoples experiences of depo provera injection. Has anyone else been on depo and got preg?
Thanks x
i was on it yrs ago. it took a good 6mths for my periods to come back though.
My brothers wife took a year to get back to normal after depo, but now were so excited its all I can think about- i think the gynie got me over excited at the thought i could get preg straight away.
:hug: :hug:

you never know, the pills may work. i wasn't given them so maybe thats why it took so long to come back.

good luck :hug:
Thank you.
I know I need to be patient and wait for my body to sort itself out.. its just soooo frustrating isnt it, i dont know how people cope with this month in month out- and ive only just started trying!!! lol!
I think im already addicted to these forums, its just nice to know im not the only person who is obbsessed by ttc!
your in good company here hun, i've just come back after a break (from the forum not TTC) as after almost 2 yrs i got a bit down. i missed everyone too much though :D
your in good company here hun, i've just come back after a break (from the forum not TTC) as after almost 2 yrs i got a bit down. i missed everyone too much though :D
Ahhh im sorry hun. I cant imagine how hard it is to be waiting that long. What do the docs say?
Its such a strange feeling- i never wanted kids until i had an ovarian cyst removed 2 years ago- when they took me down they said they may have to do a hysterectomy as the scan showed it was very big. I was devastated- but luckily they managed to remove it and save part of the ovary- thanks god!
Now ive met my fiance and ive never wanted anything more in my life- but i know its a waiting game! My fella thinks its going to happen straight away- hes priced up buggies!lol!
i've had tests but they can't find anything wrong with either if us. we already have a child and i have a 12yr old from a previous relationship, so i know i can get PG. so they put me on clomid to see if that will give me a boost but so far nothing. on my 5th cycle of that now.
i do have a high bmi (32) so that maybe be the problem but the hospital have never mentioned my weight so who knows. i'm working on getting it down a bit anyway.

so glad you didn't have to have an hysterectomy hun.
Well thats a positive side that you know theres nothing wrong- but that doesnt make it any easier does it. My friend was on clomid-and it worked for her- she was trying for years before clomid- so fingers crossed it works for you.
Ive actually been thinking of joining a gym- I think it is a good way to take my mind off baby making- and it is a positive action- it cant do any harm can it! If you fancy a virtual gym partner! lol! I live in Turkey so I think i will have to investigate a womens only gym! :lol:
It took me 19 months to get a period after my last depo injection which I had been on and off for 10 years. I started charting, temps, analysing mucus etc, took supplements etc and it really started to rule my thinking. I ended up going for tests and had an appointment with the Fertility Clinic. The doc there told me tht it is virtually impossible to get pregnant with no period and that we would look at what to do once the tests have come back. At that time I decided that there is no point ttc and gave up. Within a month, I got my period on the 31st of December 08!

I have the summary appointment on the 21st, I think the tests look fine but he will tell me for sure.

So the moral of the story is don't run before you walk, concentrate on getting a regular cycle before ttc. I have heard of lot's of people who have had healthy babies after depo.


I came off the depo in Aug 07, fell pregnant in June 08 (unfortunately ectopic) & then fell again in Sept 08 (unfortunately miscarried) but on the bright it didn't take that long to fall pregnant the first time & certainly not long the 2nd time! My husband says he has super sperm!!

I'm ttc again...hopefully will have more luck this time!

Try & stay positive....I am!

x x

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