Hello - TTC #1 in 30s


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a few weeks, thought I'd take the plunge...

I'm Kitty, I'm 31, dh is 38, we're TTC our first baby. We started trying 3 months ago, but from what I've learnt in the last couple of weeks, we might as well not have bothered :roll: So much for ovulation on day 14!

Anyway, I found this forum, found links to FertilityFriend and recommendations to read Toni Weschler's book, and have now started charting. Maybe having intercourse within a fortnight of ovulating will help our chances :lol:

If anyone else is 30s, charting and TTC #1, I'd love to 'meet' you to share notes!
:wave: Welcome and good luck TTC.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi, welcome 2 the forum and good luck ttc!

Kittykins said:
If anyone else is 30s, charting and TTC #1, I'd love to 'meet' you to share notes!

if u post in the "ttc buddies" im sure youll find sum1 there!
:wave: hi there, welcome to the forum and good luck TTC.

P.s. i am nearly 30 - 27 do i count??!!
Thanks everyone! :wave:

sarah12 - only if you feel ancient, like I suddenly do! :(

I don't know what happened - I used to read all the newspaper and magazine articles that said 'don't leave it too late - best to start trying before 40', but since turning 30 more than a year ago, every article I see now says 'don't wait till you're 30'. And all my friends seem to have acquired babies or bumps without me noticing! It's enough to make a woman paranoid...
Hello :wave: , Welcome to the forum! I am 31 and DH is 34. We have been trying for 5 years for no.1 and are now having assisted fertility treatment hope we both get our BFP's soon (and everyone else of course :D )


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