goodness just caught up with this thread, cant believe how it went off!
but good to see that we are all women, fighting the corners for each other! as really thats what this is all about!
one more thing i will say is,,
i know how my heart feels broken, and the emptiness and pain i feel everyday, and i have my little boy.
i can cuddle him and know that if i never get through this and have another baby i always have him.
but still i feel broken, and the stress it has caused so i cant imagine how you girls must feel that havent got that, i cant imagine how your heart must ache but i certainly understand.
and for jj's mum, can you imagine how she must feel to ache for another baby and know that she was the one that made that decision, as she thought she was doing the right thing for her family?
all the anger, and resentment, and beating yourself up that must come with that, the torment of emotions as she is now going against her family, not to mention the £1000's pounds involved, this is no mean feat for her, and as i understand it ivf is quite an ordeal?
but yes lots of raging hormones, after all we all a bunch of hormonal women.
so now all feelings are aired out in the open, lets all unite. xxxxx