hear babies heartbeat


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Heard babies heart beat and it was 179 bpm and apperently thats very high. Also when we listened it sounded like a train this time so im sure its a boy, with Kiara it sounded like a galloping horse. My doctor also predicted boy not that he can really tell forsure lol,.
Im sure its just an old wives tail but im curious now if its true. Iknow this has been doen before but for all us new expecting moms it would
Be interesting to know what your thoughts are and if it was true for you .and what your expecting LO's sound like :)

Trouble is that the heartbeat decreases gradually until birth so it might start around 170, but could end up as low as 120.

Our LO is running about 150 at the minute, but if you are counting yourself its difficult to keep up with it!
My 3 were all around the 140 mark - I have one girl and two boys.

My mw was convinced that dd was going to be a boy because of her heartbeat!

I think it's just one of those myths, but all these things are fun to try.

Heather x
Ours is about 165 at the minute. It was faster than that at 9 weeks but its gradually slowing down.

I thought it meant boy if it was slower and girl if it was faster? :think:

I dont really believe in all these gender prediction tales, theres only one way to tell for sure and thats to see what bits your baby has! Saying that, the chinese lunar calanders seem to be quite accurate :shock:
Spot on!! My first daughter was down to 130 in labour and i was concinced she was a boy!! Also this one at 16 weeks was 170-180, now its 140-160, so i think its all a load of poo, but hey, its fun having a play around and getting peoples guesses!! :)
this one at the moment is 150 and its a boy
jordans was 138 bpm (at about 34 weeks pg)
tias was 145 bpm
abigails was 148 bpm (i think was 3 years ago)

I agree about the heart rate slowly decreasing, Kiara was in the high 160's till i got to later stages of pregnancy and she was 140-145 bpm.
So im sure this babies heart rate will decrease.

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