I heard baby for the first time!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I had a midwife appointment today and got to hear my baby for the first time!! :cheer: It was so cute and very loud!

Also filled in my pregnancy grant form and got that sent off so hopefully £190 should be winging its way to me soon!

But back onto the doppler, I heard an old wives tale that said if it sounds like galloping horses it's a ... and if it sounds like a train it's a ... Can anyone fill in the blanks and tell me which is boy sounds and which is girl?

Mine definately sounded like a train! x
awwwwww concrats hun, its lovely isn't it :cheer:
train for a boy
horse for a girl

Mine sounds like a train by the way :dance:
Awww that's lovely! :D I'm not sure what they say about heartbeats, but my baby's one did sound like a horse galloping an it is a girl so maybe there's some truth in it :wink:

How didyou get your grant form sorted so quickly?! they're not giving them out until March round here and I've been told they won't pay out until after the 6th April xxx
allycat said:
Awww that's lovely! :D I'm not sure what they say about heartbeats, but my baby's one did sound like a horse galloping an it is a girl so maybe there's some truth in it :wink:

How didyou get your grant form sorted so quickly?! they're not giving them out until March round here and I've been told they won't pay out until after the 6th April xxx

I'm not sure why you haven't been given yours yet. The midwife told me they got them in January and were for anyone over 25 weeks and due after 6th April (start of new financial year). I don't know exactly when payment will be sent though x
Hmmm then the midwives are telling me fibs! I thought that was the case...I know they have the forms and should be issuing them now so that we can claim by 25 weeks. Lucky you got yours sorted already :D I just finished my maternity allowance form and that was a mission trying to remember what I was doing last year work-wise lol! xxx
Well I'm sure you'll get your form soon enough. I think a lot of midwives seem to be handing them out at different times. And don't worry, this one was really easy :lol: - name and address and that's about it!! x
Aww it is lovely to hear it for the first time. Not heard this train/horses thing. Mine was definitely more like a train.
With regards to the Health in Pregnancy Grants, they are rolling them out gradually apparently, so midwives should all have them by April, but some do not have them yet (mine doesn't either).
Keep asking on your appointments, they'll turn up eventuallly!
Awww it's lovely the first time you hear it, isn't it :hug:
Mine has sounded like both a train and a galloping horse at different times - I've just put it down to the baby being in a different position. There's definitely only one in there, so I think it's just another old wive's tale to be honest!

It's fab when you hear it for the first time though! :cheer:
Yeah I can't see the sex thing being very accurate, but I'm loving guessing at the moment. I'm SURE it's a boy! x
Wow.. I'm surprised.. you're further gone than me and have only heard baby for the first time..

I heard baby for the first time back when I was about 10 weeks.. my first appt with MW.

Then again at consultant appt at the hospital at about 16 weeks..

And today I had a MW appt and heard baby again. (Such a strong heartbeat i culdnt beieve how loud it was!)

And damn.. I forgot to ask my MW about the £190 grant, I'll have to ask her when I see her again in 4 weeks.. :doh:
aw congrats, its lovely to hear the heartbeat.

I heard my little one for the first time yesterday. Deffo sounded like a train and it was 133 beats per minute. It was riggling away as my midwife had to keep swapping sides. :dance:

Am i right by saying (another old wives tale) the faster the heart beat means its a girl and slower for a boy.
Awww hun, so happy for you. Its lovely isnt is. Ive been listening to mine on my doppler and have heard both horses and trains at different time so I dont know.. Allycat - I was at the hospital yesterday and they had posters up everywhere about the grant saying to remember and pick up your form!! x
So pleased for you :dance: it's such a strong noise for someone so little eh? Made me well up when I first heard my bean! :lol:
i heard my little 1's heart beat it was 151 beats per minute finding out on 11th feb, really thinking its a girl now though :) xx
my daughters HB sounded like a galloping horse so much but this time it sounds like...a barking dog :think:

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