headache for 36 hours and still not going away!


Active Member
Jan 10, 2009
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i've got this damn headache that i've had since yesterday morning. Been taking paracetamol but its not going away. had a nap when i got home from work and went to bed early but its not shifting!!!!

My mum said she was concerned and i should ring midwife but i didn't have her number on me at work, so i've just phoned NHS direct.

They have told me to avoid bright light and noise (which i cannot do whilst at work) and go to the docs to have my blood pressure checked. I haven't seen midwife since early Jan and my next appointment is 17th March so need to be checked.

I wasn't sure if was anything to be worried about. its just really annoying me.

Could there be an underlying problem and should i be worried??
I had very bad headaches with my first pregnancy for weeks.
With this pregnancy I only had it for about 3 days. I am sure its fine but to be
sure I would see a nurse just to check your blood pressure.
Ring your midwife hun, she'll get you in to check your bp. Headaches are very common in pregnancy. Headaches can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia but only when accompanied with at least one of the other symptoms. x
I too had headaches earlier on in my pregnancy. I'm not someone that suffers from headaches (didn't even get hangovers..!) They were very painful and right at the front of my forehead. I rang my midwife and she said it was best to go to the Drs to get it checked out. They took my blood pressure and gave me a thorough check and could only put it down to stress. Anyway, after about a month the headaches went and I just get odd ones now but they are more of a muggy head rather than a full blown headache.

Go get yourself checked out with however can get you in whether thats the Drs or your midwife - no point ignoring it.

Hope you get sorted soon and get some relief.


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