He lied to me

aw hun i dont know what to say other than trying to talk to him about this. you can only try and nothing is going to change otherwise. could it be that this will pass and is just a reaction to feeling tied down?

its tough though cos you cant just bu**er off whenever you feel like it as you have your girls to think of, so why does he think he can?

well i guess only you know how much more of this you can take and when you are ready to talk to him about it. the lying would really hurt me too - as if his childish attitude isnt bad enough why lie about it?

:hug: take care hun and hope things get sorted soon

hiya hun
id say you both need to sit down and talk about it and ask him if he really wants to be with you and the children or have a single life again, say you dont mind him going out aslong as he helps you out during the week and only goes out every other week, theres not much more i can say hun, hope you get it sorted soon

Ah hunny he sounds like he's behaving horribly i'm sorry. :(
The problem is now he knows he's got you exactly where he wants you (the expression bare footed and pregnant comes to mind) Whereas before you were earning and had freedom as well so could give as good as you got. Now you are on maternity wage (which isn't much) and your tied to the house so he's taking liberties because he knows he can.
So HE needs friends (forgetting you do as well) HE needs time away from it all (again forgetting you do as well) its your fault for not being able to go out (well one of you needs to be the parent don't you).
I'd write him a long letter putting every frustration you have into it. Letters are the best thing when you want to get your point across because unlike a conversation he can't turn it into an argument or make excuses. He has to read it fully and whether he likes it or not it will force him to see things from your point of view.
If he's got any redeeming qualities whatsoever he'll see that his behaviour is unreasonable and if not i'm afraid hunny you don't have any other choice but to put up with it and him know that he can get away with being that selfish in the relationship. Or you can decide not to put up with it which could result in you being on your own or shock him into changing because suddenly he'll realise that in fact he can't get away with only thinking about no1 when he's part of a family.
I hope you can get things sorted hunny. :hug:
So sorry your going through this hun :hug:

Do you mind if I ask how old he is? The reason I ask is that he seems very immature and unable to deal with his responsibilities to his family, the things he is saying to you are not the words of a man but of a scared, overwhelmed little boy. What you need to decide is wether you can be with someone who is probably going to take a while to grow into his role in the family, if he ever does, or if you would be better off on your own with the little ones.

You seem to me like someone who loves her kids very much and desperately wants your partner to step up and put you and your children first - and quite rightly so - but will he ever? Could he ever? Only you know babe xxx
hi, he is 28, 29 in august, and tells me i gotta grow up and sort myself out. He says i gotta get used to doing things on my own coz he is gonna start his own business up soon, and he is going be working all hours to build it up, it will be a computer shop where he will fix computers and build them up and sell them. He did say that he was gonna get me a car and start to help pay off credit cards etc. Have to see if he keeps his word about it though. When i talked to him about new years eve he said he wanted time to himself and said he lied to me coz i dont listen to him appearently. he did tell the truth about who he was with. i said am i ever gonna meet his mates he said no coz i'm a c**t, i even asked him if there was someone else as he hasnt come anywhere near me since the birth he said there wasnt, he said he didnt come near me coz i am busy with the baby feeding her etc. he sleeps on the sofa coz he needs his sleep for work.
Oh babe :hug:

He may be 28 but hes acting like a spoilt 8 year old in my opinion!

Have you tried telling him how bad he is making you feel? You dont deserve to be called a c**t, your the mother of his baby for feck sake he needs to show some respect!!!!!

Im on and off all day but pm me if you need to xxxxxx
oh ffs another mature male!
kick him out you shouldn't be carrying a man he should be the one supporting you. Tell him he can come back when he grows up and grows a back bone and becomes a real man!
Men like that make me rage, selfish T**t
OMG what are you doing with this boy hunnie? You sound like you'd be so much better off on your own. I always thought it would be really hard been on my own with children but its not half as hard as I'd imagined. It is hard when you love someone but surely if he loved you as much he wouldn't be leaving you home alone on New Years Eve....he'd want to spend it with you and your daughter, he's acting like a single bloke and its about time he realised he has responsibilites. You deserve so much more hunnie and no one deserves to be called a c**t! I think you need to seriously have a think about what you want from life for you and your daughter.....good luck hunnie I hope everything works out for you..If you ever need a natter give me a shout [email protected]
Love and massive hugs to you :hug: :hug:

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