Hey Nat, I haven't read through all the responses but if it makes you feel any better my boy of the same age is still nowhere near ready. Thankfully his preschool are nappy friendly and I've spoken to them about our potty training hell and they agree that he just isn't ready so I'm just not considering trying again for the time being.
But I so understand the frustration. When I last tried I just got so so wound up. We both ended up in tears. Nappies are their security blanket and with little sisters arriving they might just want their security blanket even more. My son has been poorly lately and was poorly when his sister first arrived so he's just been off.
But yes, I don't understand how my boy can be so smart yet just not grasp this potty training lark. Grrr. Ruddy hate potty training
If you ever want to have a potty training koan then PM me.
But I so understand the frustration. When I last tried I just got so so wound up. We both ended up in tears. Nappies are their security blanket and with little sisters arriving they might just want their security blanket even more. My son has been poorly lately and was poorly when his sister first arrived so he's just been off.
But yes, I don't understand how my boy can be so smart yet just not grasp this potty training lark. Grrr. Ruddy hate potty training

If you ever want to have a potty training koan then PM me.