Where have I gone wrong? Bad Mum? at my wits end :'(

oh no, is this what iv got to look forward to :(

:hug: :hug: :hug:

i hope things get better for u soon x
Kai was an angel yesterday, he was so well behaved, did exactly what he was told and we were out for most of the day yesterday.

Today is another story, up until lunchtime he was fine, but then he climbed on the desk by the laptop and went behind it, I just caught him in time. We went out to a toddler group and he was fine there but when we left the nightmare began. He wouldn't go in his pushchair when we left so we walked but I had to get food and he just doesn't stop touching things, so we went to the 1st place and he wasn't too bad, I even got him some chocolate to try and get him back in the pushchair, but that wouldn't work. Then he was just in a bad mood pulling at me, trying to throw himself on the floor, so we got the stuff in the 2nd place and I really tried to get him back but no way was he going back, so we walked back with him in a horrible mood in the cold and wind :( and then when we got home, he didn't want to go inside, he wanted to stay outside, so I got a horrible tantrum and just left him to it :roll: He is ok now luckily.

I think every mother goes through it and has bad days. Although I feel like the terrible 2's have been going on a year now.

You really need the reins, it makes things a lot easier, and if he doesn't like it then he will have to get on with it as for me it is a safety issue. Although Kai has had them since he started walking and he likes seeing them as he knows he is walking outside.
Mica, Harrison sounds like Dan hun.......................you are not doing anything wrong :hug: :hug:
Although most of the time Dan is well behaved, he's really starting to have his moments! Hitting us in the face. Going to the telly and looking at me, saying 'No' as he knows he's not supposed to turn it off/on, but doing it anyway!! I spend so much of my day saying 'No Dan' and then when he doesn't do it 'Well done Dan!!'. Just for him to do it again, lil bugger!!!

Hun, you are a wonderful mum :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
This is normal :D

The other thing I would try and avoid using too much is the actual word 'no'. Instead try and use something else if you can, for example if Kai wants something and can't have it I say 'you can have it later'. I only use 'no' if it something serious. I think the effect of 'no' wore off when I was saying it a lot.
Lol we have 2 sets of reins for him and they make things worse, he hates them and will not walk whilst they are on. The first time we tried them he kept trying to grab the reign and then he decided he throw a wobbly & wouldn't walk at all whilst the reigns were on and each time we tried them since he makes his legs go jelly like and sits on the floor crying :(

But thanks anyway for the suggestions!

Sorry you've had a bad day too Babsi
babsi said:
The other thing I would try and avoid using too much is the actual word 'no'. Instead try and use something else if you can, for example if Kai wants something and can't have it I say 'you can have it later'. I only use 'no' if it something serious. I think the effect of 'no' wore off when I was saying it a lot.

I say No and then shake my head. Dan knows what shaking his head means as he does this when he has had enough to eat. If he stops I then praise him to reinstate that he has done good.......................it works most of the time!! :lol:
Jake is a little monkey at the moment too and I feel like i'm saying NO NO NO NO NO NO to him all day every day. I can't leave him alone for a minute because as soon as I do he's up on the computer desk scratching the monitor, behind the sofa pulling out the cd's or bashing my new tv with a car or a Tombliboo :rotfl: :twisted: I think it must be something that all LO's go through at this age and i'm sure your not the only Mum to get fed up with saying NO all of the time. I know that Jake does understand and even if he doesn't really listen to me at the moment :wall: I know that he needs to told NO so that he doesn't turn in to a little brat. I'm sure you are doing a great job and I can tell that you love Harrison to bits so don't beat yourself up. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Isaac is into everything and I can relate to the upset it can cause, its normal and its hard :hug: :hug: :hug: From the minute Isaac started crawling I moved anything dangerous, ie sharp, toxic, breakable (not glass cabinets though :roll: ) and he has had free reign over everything because as much as they need to be told no, they also grow and develop from exploration.

I read it takes anything from 3wks onwards for the word no to 'go in', and so keep up your consistency, ignore the cheeky grins if he does those when you say them, and try and just let him explore if you can :? He sounds like a very happy and intelligent young man, he's only learning and growing from being able to run around and explore, I do know how frustrating it can be, and tedious, replacing the same items from being thrown all over every day, at least once, kind of grates on you sometimes but as long as no-one got hurt its OK.

Sit back, let him do his thing, if you leave him to it you may find he often stops and looks at you to see if its OK what he's doing anyway, and because you're sat back he may get a little upset at that, that you're not right behind him, and stop and come and sit with you. I find distraction a great tool :lol: Isaac loves cups :think: heehee So if we want him away from anything we just pop a cup on the floor, he's straight over and we clap and praise him, he loves it and forgets what he was doing. Try not to see it as naughty but as exploring, it really does help :hug:

I've wittered on but I just hope you find you both settle down a little into a happy medium, he sounds like a lot of work, but lots of fun, enjoy him like you want to, never mind the frustration, I reckon its with us Mummy's forever :shhh: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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