He just won't effing toilet train. End of my tether

Cam started with having a sticker chart and chocolate buttons initially.

He also wouldn't tell me when he needed to go for quite a while.

It sounds as though James is starting to pick things up though!

Yay! :-)

It sounds like you're making excellent progress with him!

I must admit since starting putting my boy on the potty, I think I was expecting too much from him to be able to warn me before he needed to go. If you don't mind me saying, maybe this is what it's been like for yourself and James? I do think prompting them to go really is the way forwards.

As for the bribes, I have let my LO watch the telly and sit reading in my efforts to keep him sitting on it! He's as bad as his dad who spends half an hour on the loo watching videos on YouTube!
Just a wee update (excuse the pun)

We went out today for a about an hour and a half.... no accidents.

At home all wees in the loo and he takes himself now. Only downside is he is probably going too often? So he isn't training himself to hold it. Not sure what I need to do with this?

However the difference between Monday and today is just amazing.

Can't believe it!!
I would just let him go as and when he wants to at the moment, especially if he was so resistant initially.

He'll go longer in between wees eventually.

Well done James and mummy!!


Glass of wine as a reward for me later!! Ha. James gets the buttons, mummy gets wine.

Interestingly he hasn't done one wee on the potty!!

Woohoo, yay! Well done James! That is amazing progress, you must be so so proud!

Makes me want to re-try my LO again with potty training. My problem is that he just holds his wee in if he is nappy-less and when he needs the potty/loo he'll scream for a nappy. If I put him on the potty he'll still hold it all in and scream for his nappy. Reward charts, stickers and chocolate haven't worked so far...
Well Done James! Sounds like he's doing really well Nat, enjoy the glass of vino! x
Glass of wine as a reward for me later!! Ha. James gets the buttons, mummy gets wine.

Interestingly he hasn't done one wee on the potty!!


Maybe it's just not comfy for him? My LO is really tall and he looks really awkward on the potty. He's also complained about it being uncomfortable a couple of times if he's been sat on it for a while. It's only cos we don't have a downstairs loo and I have the baby to entertain as well that I use the potty. If I just had him on myown iI'd use the loo instead.
We had an accident today, only as he needed a poo and I think the sensation freaked him out. He kept asking for a nappy!

Had an accident in living room but a poo on the toilet.... so I'm quite pleased.

Well done James, sounds like you've both cracked it!

I was at the local park today with Alfie, and a lady with her young son and daughter arrived. The daughter must've been 3/3.5 years old and they must be potty training. The young girl said she needed a wee and stood and just wet herself. The mother made such a big deal "no darling you are not going on the slide with a wet bottom, why didn't you tell mummy!" Must've gone on for 15/20 minutes "well now this means I have to take all your stickers back off your chart this week" and was really making quite a show in front of the other people in the park, that the little girl apologised to her mummy for wetting herself :(

I understand it can't be easy and it must be frustrating, but such a big deal was made in front of public.

Not sure what this story has to do with James, but felt like telling it lol. Well done James and mummy x
Well done James, sounds like you've both cracked it!

I was at the local park today with Alfie, and a lady with her young son and daughter arrived. The daughter must've been 3/3.5 years old and they must be potty training. The young girl said she needed a wee and stood and just wet herself. The mother made such a big deal "no darling you are not going on the slide with a wet bottom, why didn't you tell mummy!" Must've gone on for 15/20 minutes "well now this means I have to take all your stickers back off your chart this week" and was really making quite a show in front of the other people in the park, that the little girl apologised to her mummy for wetting herself :(

I understand it can't be easy and it must be frustrating, but such a big deal was made in front of public.

Not sure what this story has to do with James, but felt like telling it lol. Well done James and mummy x

Aw bless that little girl, that's awful! Taking away all her reward chart too.
Thanks TC.

We had a few days in over the weekend but today OH took James out - he is off this week.

They were gone for 4 hours and no accidents. We still have to ask James if he wants to go (or he takes himself off to the loo) but he is doing so well.

Well done! It sounds like its going so well! I hate potty training, I hate it so so so so much! I cant believe I was actually looking forward to doing it!
Jack has been dry since July, which is great. He takes himself to the loo, announces when he needs to go etc but WILL NOT poo. Anywhere!! Its getting so frustrating. Hes in a pull up overnight (thats i dont know when to get rid of since sometimes its bone dry other times soaked!) and in the morning, pants go on and the poo goes in the pants. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I understand that poos take longer, the staff at nursery keep telling me! But he genuinely does know when he needs to go. Theres been a few times where he announces he needs a poo and does a massive log in the potty! But the rest of the time it goes in his pants. I just dont understand? Ive tried everything - sticker charts, bribery, youtube potty song, story book about a hungry toilet...
I dont think hes scared, hes done it before.. Everytime he gets sat on the toilet for a poo, he just tells me he'll do it later!
Anyway, just jumping on this thread to beg for advice! We're going on holiday in just over a week and if hes not potty trained fully, then he cant go to the kids club and im gutted hes going to miss out on that because he would LOVE it!
Only just caught up with this thread, but well done for persevering and hanging in there! Sounds like he's starting to get the hang of it. x

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