having trouble coming to terms?


New Member
Jan 9, 2009
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i am 14 weeks and still finding it hard to believe its really happening even after scan and i really want to be excited has anyone else felt like this and how long did it last i am emotional wreck
hiya i can't offer any advise but i wanted to send you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi and firstly congratulations :hug:
I think it's normal how youre feeling but if youre worried speak to your midwife.
It's showing you care about your baby to be an emotional wreck, hopefully as time goes on you'll start to feel more excited than anxious :hug:
hello, sorry hun i have no advise, but just wanted to say hang in there and give you some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, our bubba wasnt planned and we really struggled at first to come to terms with it. I couldnt believe it was real and OH refused to even discuss it, it was awful. On top of that I had 24hour nausea and sickness and my hormones were all over the place. After the 12week scan it felt a bit better but still not 100% real, we still werent discussing it much and went through a real rough patch.

On the first day I felt movements though it all changed, I felt this bubbly feeling walking along the street and after that it was completely different. OH started talking more, we got on better and as I started showing and bubba started kicking it began to feel fantastic. Then the 20week scan which is so much clearer just blew us away and now we wouldnt change a thing.

I think you just have to remember that having a baby is such a huge thing, I bet everyone on here has had worries or concerns or not felt its real at some point or other. I dont think it matters if its unplanned or you've tried for years, its still a huge life changing event and you're bound to feel unsure. And dont forget with your hormones changing every second its hard to know what you're feeling at times.

Try not to worry, Im sure as time goes on it will sink in and as you begin to look more pregnant and your hormones settle down the excitement will begin to creep in. Everyone is different anyway, just because some people are bursting with excitement it doesnt mean that people who are more matter of fact and calmer arent "doing it right"

Dont worry about being emotional, thats normal, we've all been there :hug: In fact I still am like that at times now but it does get easier :hug: :hug: :hug:
i think it takes everyone different amounts of time to get used to the idea of havig a baby. It's completely life-changing so it's normal that you are scared and having trouble getting your head round it. I didn't think I wanted my little one at first as she was conceived by me and my OH just not being careful, but when I had my 1st scan at 10 weeks I couldn't stop crying with happiness looking at my little angel jumping about :D

As some of the other ladies have said on here, the 20 week scan is where it happens for them as the baby looks more like a real baby and you will be feeling movement by then xxx

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