Having a nightmare! X


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Fell getting out of the bath fell on my stomach and have been in hospital since 11 this morning put me on monitor and she was perfect had to stay in as placenta is low so they put me on the monitor at 7 only for me to start having tightenings and I am now sat here still in the monitor with the prospect of having my little girl at 27 and 5 so scared but trying my best to stay calm also the prospect of having to give birth in another country Is scaring me right out! X
Oh no how worrying for u! Hope everything goes well, good luck whatever happens! Try and stay calm hun xxxx
Doing my best, she seemes to have settled a bit but tightenings are still there so hoping everything will settle tonight! X
oh hunni hope everything goes fine for you and you can leave hospital still pregnant with baby x
Are you on vacation then? Hopefully everything will be fine and you just got a bit bruised, keeping fingers crossed baby stays put!
Thank you no buggy the special cate unit in my hospital don't take babies under 29 weeks which means I will have to go somewhere else in the uk that does take them earlier! X
Good luck I hope the baby cooks a little longer.
Thank you hope, Im hoping for the same thing she is far from ready yet and so am I still need to get things for my little girl things seem to be calming a little only having them every 10 mins rather than every 4 mins and they are not as strong! Fingers crossed! X
Glad it's going ok :hug: I will check on you later, hoping for some wonderful news.
I will probably not be done for the baby to come even at 39 weeks lol :roll:
I had a scare with some tightenings last week and I still have them almost daily...
Fx our beans are staying put for long long time
Hope everything has calmed down this morning hun, must of been very worrying for you :hugs: xx
Omg hope your ok!! So glad to see they were calming down! I'm here trying to wish your cramps away from you, onto me!
Aw Hun I hope all goes well for you! Your in the best place. I'm sure everything will be fine xx
Aww hope you're ok, and LO stays put for a bit longer yet x

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Thank you and kayelle your welcome to them my consultant us sending me for a scan this morning see what's going on hoping they have calmed down a lot! X
Best of luck hun, realy hope your LO stays put for a lot longer xxx
Hope everythings ok and baby stays put for a while longer!!!
Good luck hun, hope she's calmed down for you xxx
hugs to u.i know how scary it is to be told u might have baby early i had injections to mature the babies lungs last week at 26+.keeping u and bubba in my thoughts.they have a great chance of survival at this age.
Pleased to say that contractions have almost stopped one every half hour rather than 5 in 10mins they have told me that I have to have complete bed rest for next few days, steroid injections where so very painful and they are making me burn up but I will put up with that a long as Ava stays put for a few more weeks scan showed her to be head down they are rescanning me in a few days an hopefully she would have moved from being head down as she is applying a lot of pressure and they are worried about waters! But I am just relieved she is staying put for now at least! As scan showed her to be around a pound and a half! So very small! X
Glad contractions have slowed down, hopefully she will stay put zx

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