Have to join in with names!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Right, as everyone else is doing it :lol: my list (don't care what o/h thinks or says) :lol:
Opinions pls on;
Boy; Cameron


Don't be shy with bluntness please :friends: girls middle name is Caroline. I quite like Amelie Caroline.
I'm all for Jennifer like! :lol:

I love all 3 boys names, and my favorite girl one is Isla xx
I like all of your girls names but not all of them go with Caroline :( madeline Caroline for example is a little bit if a mouthful x I like Alexander (not surprisingly) and Cameron but not Joshua x
I adore the name Cameron and I like it for a girl too. I love teas too, really cute! :love:
Cameron is top for me with a boy, but for some reason I don't think I'd use it for a girl :eh: Helen I had the same concerns about madeleine but I really like that name. I remember o/h saying about Joshua which is why it's on the list but the only two I really like are Cameron and Alexander - tess was my nans name but a lot of people say it sounds like a dog :rofl:
I like all of the boys names - Cameron is my favourite out of all of them. From the girls list I love the names Amelie and Mia x
I have to say I love all your girls names, especially Tess! Never thought of it before but love it. Not really keen on the boys names, but I like Xander, which is kinda like Alexander lol.
I like Isla and Mia from your girls list. not mad about the boys, but would probably pick Joshua out of the three! x
Isla is a very nice name hun and I think it suits the middle name too and boy names Alex is nice :) xx
I love Amalie its on my list too but I dont think it goes with our surname Anderson :( and no idea what id have as a middle name with it. Love Alexander for a boy and if ppl sorten it to Alex or Xander they r also nice so cant go wrong lol x
Cameron - like, but think of David Cameron :eh:
Alexander - really like :)
Joshua - like... but hate Josh and it's an inevitable nickname.

Amelie - don't like (sorry)
Madeleine - like
Charlotte - like
Isla - like how it sounds but hate hate hate how it's spelt.
Jennifer - like
Rachael - like, good with Caroline.
Mia - don't like
Tess - like

Maybe it's too literal for you, but i quite like Carolyn (car - oh - lin) as a firstname if you want to include your sister :hug:
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I had actually been thinking of using Caroline as a first name, but I dunno if it would be a bit raw for everyone hearing the name all of the time :-(
I had actually been thinking of using Caroline as a first name, but I dunno if it would be a bit raw for everyone hearing the name all of the time :-(

That's why i was thinking Car - oh - lyn, instead of Car - oh - line. Obviously similar, but not exactly the same.

I don't really know whay your family is like, or how they deal with things, but i think that my family would find it more comforting that they would be constantly remembered but i can totally understand if people do find a bit inappropriate.

Just do what i right for your and your parents and other siblings? You can never please everyone :hug:
Love Cameron - but like some of the others, prefer for a girl (Dr Cameron in House, even though it's not her first name)
Alex - me likey, hubby likes it but he is Alan and I thought there would be too many Al's in the house
Joshua - don't mind

I like Charlotte, Madeleine & Jennifer as these are all names that can be shortened x
I really like Isla Caroline - I think that's a very pretty name. From the boys names I'd personally go for Alexander. x
I was speaking to mum before about using Caroline as a first name. She thinks it would be a nice idea, but firstly I dunno how o/h would react and also I'm still not sure on how I feel about it :-( long way off anyway, I'm stupid thinking about names at this early stage x
I love Amelie Caroline! :love:

I actually really like all your names!! And I'm fussy :lol: Joshua, Amelie and Mia are my favourites though :cloud9:
Shaun wanted to call Blake, Daniel after his brother but I was uncomfortable with it. I felt that Daniel, even though he was only here for mere minutes, could never be replaced. So we went for Daniel as a middle name.

I found it hard to name a newborn after a baby who passed but I think if Daniel had passed in adulthood I'd be more inclined to go with it as a first name - to honour him? Because he died at birth he will always be a baby in everyone's hearts forever.

I hope that makes sense?! I think because the name Caroline isn't as popular for this generation it could be a lovely choice for your LO as it won't be a common name when she grows up. Also, she will always know that she was named after Auntie Caroline Xxx

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