Has your LO got...


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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A certain someone they dont like?

Drake is terrified of my sister in law! She came round last night and he spent about a minute sussing her out and went into an almighty crying sesh! As I was trying to calm him down he kept turning his head round to look at her and it was making him cry even more! And you can forget about her holding him!

He's fine with everyone else! Lol
Aww bless him, and your poor sist in law or is he just a good judge of character? Haha!! Sorry! Mine quite happy with everyone! Cries at mother in law sometimes but she's quite loud and in his face!! Xx
Aww your poor SIL! Is she a 'baby person'? Sometimes they pick up on it if someone is nervous around babies don't they?
Lizzie seems to love everyone so far....fingers crossed it stays that way!
Yep a woman at school, Seb cries on cue with her! Think she's got the hint now! Lol!

Aw your poor sil! Is she bothered?
Tegan hates MIL and i really can't blame her! she's always pulling her about and annoying her! x
oh bless him!

noa dont have one but some ppl he take to straight away while others have to try harder to make him smile!
Henry takes a minute to suss people out then either smiles or screams exactly the same way as you have described lol

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Charley likes everyone but when Lacey was a baby, she used to scream if FIL went near her!! I used to quietly chuckle to myself cos I hate him! Hehe!
Yeah she's gutted! She has a child herself and is good with kids. I think it maybe down o the fact she held him one time and she was trying to soothe him when he was crying his eyes out. I don't think he trusts her bless him!

With my 2nd son he wouldn't go to no-one except me and my dad. Lee's father was a massive no no! He was so scared of him...I think it was the bald head lmao
It takes Cahal a while to warm up to anyone new - not long, but if someone scoops him up before he's had a good stare at them then he does get upset. After that he's fine with most people though. The only person he's not keen on all the time is my sisters boyfriend - I think it's because he's so tall (he's 6'6"). When he stands up Cahal cries but when he's sitting down he's fine lol!
Drake is terrified of my sister in law! She came round last night and he spent about a minute sussing her out and went into an almighty crying sesh! As I was trying to calm him down he kept turning his head round to look at her and it was making him cry even more! And you can forget about her holding him!


Sorry but....LOL!!!!!!!

Seriously though, that's a shame on your SIL. Emily always cries at one of my friends hubby. He is from
Ghana, so very big and black! He is just different to the people she normally sees! His voice is really loud too!!!!


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