Immunisations at 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Well I was petrified about this cos I know babies HATE it. It was not very nice in all fairness but my hubby stayed in the room while I waited outside cos I couldn't bear it. I heard an almighty yell followed by 'proper' crying (i.e. not the usual whiney cry that I'm now oblivious to, but a proper 'I'm in pain' cry).
After dressing him again I quickly got him out of there. As soon as he got in the car he fell sound asleep, and slept for about four hours. He woke up a little bit hot so I gave him a half dose of Calpol and he was absolutely fine.
Just wanted to share that with you cos if your bubba has not had it done yet it can be a frightening experience.
Anyone who has had their babies done, how did they react?
hi my daughter is noe 7months so she has had all 3jabs its not nice i went in with her she screamed and she had one in each leg :( she cryed so bad she couldnt catch her breath, she was very ill after she had like a cold for 4days :( n i was scared to hurt her legs as they had 2little bruises.... mothers hey wot we like we just wana wrap them up in cotton wool, dior is looking im expecting again else ild never let her grow up..... :?
jamie had his today! he did scream but not for too long and was fine in about 10 mins and just went to sleep! i think what is worse is that once theyve got over the first jab in one leg then along comes another in the other leg!!! :(

i thought i would be a nervous wreck but i was fine, all for the best and all part of being a mummy!! im glad now i took him myself coz he liked cuddling mummy afterwards!!

he doesnt seem feverish just a bit irritable, got the calpol at hand just in case!!
When my little boy had his he was fine - didn't cry and they had no effects on him after except he was a bit sleepy. My little girl cried a bit and needed a bit of calpol but she wasn't too bad. It can be ok :wink:

Try not to get too worried about it as that will rub off on your baby - if you are relaxed then they will be too!!

Lots of love
Dominic cried for each one and I felt guilty because as we were waiting to go in, he was smiling away at me and I thought little do you know.

About 2.5 hours after the jab, he cried for 20 mins badly and then just slept alot so i got off likey i think.

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