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has anyone else had this problem...?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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ok so after having my bloods done at the hospital wednesday and getting a hcg reading of 174 i had to go back today to see if they were going down, just got a phone call re the results to be told they are exactly same as what they were wednesday :/ so i have to go back on sunday now for them doing again! i'm just a bit worried somethings not right as the lady said they would of expected them to have gone down and she keeps making a point in asking if i am ok re pain and bleeding etc but they wont give me any clues as to why my hcg would be the same and what it could be due to, has anyone else had this after their miscarriage? xx
I've not had this hun but i know that sometimes the hormones can take a little while to drop. The only other reason for them not to drop would be there is some pregnancy tissue left in the uterus but you already had a scan didnt you? i hope the levels drop for you next time. xxxx
yeah i had a scan and there was no trace what so ever of a pregnancy i'm wondering if they are still thinking ectopic just fed up now, just want all the hospital appointments to bog off so i can concentrate on gettin my body back into sync etc! fingers crossed the results sunday come back as lower xx
did they check you for an ectopic? levels that are not dropping and an completely empty womb...did they say how thick was the lining of the uterus?
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well they said things didnt seem to point to ectopic after obs were done and examination etc, womb lining was thin she said if i were pregnant she would of expected it to be a lot thicker, think mine measured at 5mm! i'm not in any pain bleeding has eased right off etc cant understand wy they havent dropped even a bit in 48 hours :/ i would have to be the awkward one lol xx
did you only talk to the nurse or the doctor too?? if not, talk to the doctor too please.
i spoke with the gynaecologist who in turn spoke to the consultant and he agreed with her findings that it was highly unlikely to be ectopic so i'm just really confused, its not increasing which is good but then its not going down (yet) either so thats not so good i'm just so confused by it all, just wish they would explain things to me in black and white! xx
when i had mine and they did the bloods they said if they dont go down .. i.e stay the same or go up its a good chance i was ectopic however they did also say my baby seemed to be in the wrong place which was scary.

i would think if your not in pain and it dosnt seem to be worrying you physically then dont worry.
sometimes it takes longer to leave the system.

i had a very clean miscarriage, was 4 days from my mc to my internal scan when they my second bloods, and by then id stopped bleeding and my womb was completely empty :( but i didnt call to get my results which was very naughty but tbh i wasnt thinking straight so i couldnt say if they had gone down the second time but i presume so.

just dont stress yourself out hun go for your next bloods and see what happens
something similar happened to me. in that after my miscarriage the pathology results came back indicating that I had had a partial molar pregnancy.. they then brought me in immediately for a beta HCG test and my levels were at 10 and this was about 8 weeks (give or take) after the miscarriage... it should have been zero.. basically they wanted to see the HCG drop as otherwise it might indicate a type of tumor growing in the womb.. i know this sounds scary, but even if this is what they suspect then it is totally treatable.. for me my baby had triploidy and this is what gave rise to the risk of Persistent Trophoblastic Disease.. which is what that raised BetaHCG was about... Did you have a D&C and did they send off any tests?
Sorry you have to go through this.. x x x
thanks for the info ladies, i havent had a D&C and they havent done any tests, just the blood tests, internal and external scan and internal examination swabs etc. they have only told me about the bloods (hcg) and dont seem to be keeping me in the light about anything else, just wish they would air their suspicions to be honest at least i would know the situation and what they are looking at! soooo hoping those hcg levels have reduced by sunday :/ xx
Hope your ok and your levels have dropped by Sunday! Take care!
thanks Laurat, i'm really hoping so too :/ xx
How are you doing? Hope you are ok x
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Hope all is ok with this Deedee, only just read this thread.
Let us know results of the bloods when you get them.xxx
God yeah sorry ladies i totally forgot to update here :/ Well when they rung me back on that Sunday they had gone from 174 to 63, they just told me to do a test in 3weeks if it was positive i had to ring them if it was neg then fine! I am far too impatient to wait so 2 weeks back i did a test and it was negative so my body is near on back to normal, just waiting for my next af now! Hope everyone else is good hugs to u all xxx
That's good news, bet you have never looked forward to af coming before! I know I can't wait to get over mc for my next mc, I may even cry a little when the bitch arrives!!! Xx
lol twinkles i havent haha! just seems to be taking so long, i'm not used to it! it will be crappy when af arrives but at least we know our bodies have recovered and are back to normal! hugs xx
Yea the next af will be the only one we can celebrate over, hope yours arrives soon! R u planning on trying again ASAP? I hear we are all very fertile after a mc......xx
hee hee very true. to be honest after i stopped bleeding with the mc we started bding again anyways, i've started a thread in the "am i pregnant" part regarding a lovely 3ww...not expecting anything from it to be honest but theres a few ladies who have mc'd joining me in that thread and its good to talk to people in the same situation so feel free to join in :)! cant say we have actively tried to conceive this month we have just bded for fun really and if anything happen then so be it! xx
Good on u Hun, get the practice in! I will def join you once this mc is over and I'm back into tic, I want to wait for af if I can before bd,ing just so I get my dates right, can't wait to be in ttc section but by the time I get there I hope your gone! In a nice way of course I hope your gone to the first tri section! Keep me a seat! Xx

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