Has anybody had a natural birth that went perfect?

Summer that is a brilliant birth story! :D x
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I have no idea why ladies tell their pregnant friends the horror stories, it's not helpful!

I had a great experience. Waters went at home at 36weeks and contractions started. Had baby 4hrs later after 10mins of pushing. Tried gas and air but couldn't get the hang of it. I had a second degree tear but that was caused by the midwives moving his cord that was around his neck - you don't feel the tear happening btw so don't be worried about that x
Thank you so much for that story, I was actually really worried about tears :/ xxx
I agree you don't feel the tears at all! Also if you end up needing an episiotomy they will numb you first so you won't feel that either, same with stitches - they numb whole area and all you feel is a tugging sensation - no pain :) x
I was all set to have a lovely calm water birth with my DS1, and I did do most of my labour in the water which was an amazing experience, it helped with pain relief so much that I didn't even need gas and air as the water was enough pain relief! I did the majority of my labour with just water and 2 paracetamol haha

Things did get a bit more complicated for me as after I was pushing for a couple of hours he got stuck and I did end up with a drip to increase contractions and eventually an episiotomy and ventouse delivery HOWEVER I wanted to post this because even though that wasn't'text book' it was still a calm experience and I felt in control and calm throughout, mainly because my midwife and doctors were so good at explaining everything. He only got stuck because he was a big baby (even now at nearly 3 he's big and tall for his age), if he'd have been a bit smaller I would have probably got my water birth.

So even if you do end up with some form of assistance its still possible to feel like you have had a positive birth experience :) I distinctly remember saying to my mum about an hour after he was born that giving birth wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I would definitely do it again haha. I think you see these clips of women screaming their heads off on telly and expect it to be the most horrific thing ever; but in reality my experience was that my body just took over and I stayed very calm and focused on my breathing which really helped, and it really wasn't the horrific experience its made out to be!

Labour and birth doesn't bother me at all this time, I am not looking forward to recovering afterwards mind s I did find it difficult with stitches last time but by that time you have done the hard work and it's all over and done with so nothing to be scared of :) xx
I didn't feel my episiotomy at all when it was being done either, if they hadn't told me they had done it I wouldn't have known :) xx
Hiya, I have had two natural births, my first was mild contractions all day and was a bit difficult as had an epidural that didn't work, but it did speed things up as she was born 45 mins later so kind of a blessing! My second was very straightforward, lost my plug, pains started 20 mins later, and she was born with just gas and air about 5 hours later. My first labour from arriving at Hosp to birth was 2 hrs 45 mins and second from arriving at Hosp to birth was 3 hrs 15 mins. Tore with both but not severely. So I'd say all in all not too bad as labours go :)
My birth story link is in my signature, I had a lovely birth which went exactly as planned and was about as perfect as I could have wished for, so some definitely can be complication free. However I'm aware I was very lucky, and I think while the hypnobirthing worked to keep me relaxed and calm I wasn't guaranteed a birth that went to plan, it's hard to foresee what will happen as every labour is different. I can advocate the being as relaxed as possible and not stressing out because even if something does go awry it will help you cope. I'm fully expecting this baby to come out sideways or breach or emergency c-section just because of how good I had it first time lol!!!
Have had two natural deliveries (first was a very long labour, needed the drip from 6-10cm and had some diamorphine) but I did deliver baby without a tear or graze.

Second labour was completely natural, was very quick and again I delivered baby without so much as a tear or graze..We were home within 6 hours.

Have had two natural deliveries (first was a very long labour, needed the drip from 6-10cm and had some diamorphine) but I did deliver baby without a tear or graze.

Second labour was completely natural, was very quick and again I delivered baby without so much as a tear or graze..We were home within 6 hours.


Did you do anything like perineal massage that migt have been the reason you didn't tear or were you just lucky? xxx
Hello, i am doing a dissertation of alternative therapy in pregnancy and was wondering if anyone could help me by answering some questions on it please, all responses will be gratefully received
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I thought my labour was going to be long and painful as baby was back to back and I had to be monitored due to having a Positive swab for strep B

However labour was only three hours long. Waters broke at 11 at night and contractions starts at 12. They were painful but manable with gas and air. Fully dilated wiithin 1 hour and pushing for 30 minutes. I kept active throughout my pregnancy and attended Pilates and listened to hypobirthing cd before birth.

I never expected my labour to be this quick as it was my first pregnancy. Try not to worry too much about what you can't control.
I have had 2 natural, fairly easy deliveries. I count myself very lucky! Both times my waters broke first, went to get checked, told I wasn't yet in labour. Stayed at home keeping active - hoovering in fact!
My first I went back in and was 10cm, she was born shortly after.
My 2nd funnily enough I went back in and was told I wasn't dilated at all haha! But things ramped up very quickly and active labour was only 2 hours. 2nd was a water birth and was great, the pushing stage seemed much quicker. 1st time I had first degree tear (no stitches) and a graze, felt a bit bruised and sore but not awful. Second time the midwife commented 'there's not a scratch on that perineum!' And was much better, had no pain weeing etc. We can only go with the flow, either way our beautiful babies are worth it!

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