Has anybody had a natural birth that went perfect?

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Yay I'm loving these stories... This is exactly what I needed xx
My labour was surprisingly easy. I am the biggest wimp on the planet and was totally prepared for an epi, emergency c-sec due to baby being big, the whole caboodle.

I started contracting at 8:30pm after a Doctor Who repeat, stayed at home until 3:30am when I was getting back to back contractions. Was 5cm by the time I was checked, didn't get any pain relief til 5am by which point I was having 13 minute contractions (ouch!). Got into the pool at 7ish, waters went around 7:30. Was pushing for just over 2 hours but he got stuck. Got out the bath and onto the bed, he arrived in 2 pushes with his hand by his face so I had to deliver his head, hand, shoulders AND elbow all in one go! He arrived at 9:41am and had pooed in my waters so we were kept in overnight for obs.

I had a small graze and did it all on gas & air. He was 8lb 6oz and I am a teeny 5ft. There was a lot that could have gone wrong with him being born compound (hand by head) but it went like a dream. I was extremely lucky and am left with a very positive birth story. I don't reckon I'll be as lucky again but I'm just gonna go with the flow :)

Yes I think all in all I had the perfect labour with a few little dramas but I couldn't have wished for a better pregnancy or labour in fact I think I breezed threw labour as straight after having him if i could I would have been walking around it honestly felt like I hadn't given birth! I worried all those months for nothing I shocked myself at how well I cope with it! I had to have intervention because his hb had dropped & they didn't want to risk anything happening but I got him out more a less on my own with one little tug with the forceps so I classed that as a natural delivery some may not but to me I had the perfect birth. It was quick though once he decided he wanted to come out he came out I was telling them I needed to push they were telling me no your only 2cm I said I really need to I feel pressure & in the end they examined me and I had gone from 2-10cm in well under an hour

I didn't get the birth I wanted but in some ways I think it was so much better i dont think i will ever forget that moment with a room full of medical people & them cheering me on to push as hard as i could because they really wanted me to get him out without assistance it was amazing
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I had a pretty 'perfect'
Labour bar being IV induced but it was actually fine. I'm a wimp too but it's amazing what an outer body experience labour is, you'll be surprised with what you can cope with! TRY not to worry hon. I wouldn't be back her with baby number 2 if it wasn't all worth it :) x
My first labour was really good.
I went 9 days overdue and was booked in for my induction for the following Monday but the midwife had given me a sweep and I went for a Long walk after it. I had a nap when I got back and woke around 5 -6 pm I started having irregular backache at around 7pm. I had a hot curry and went to bed around 9pm still with backache. Around 11pm I still couldn't sleep for the pain ( it wasn't too bad but uncomfortable) by 4am it was in my tummy too and I still hadn't slept and was having tightening at the same time as backache so started timing them and they were 4 mins apart so I rang the hospital who sad to the some paracetamol a ring back if I couldn't walk or talk through them by 6am I rang back and was told to go in. I was examined and was 5cm and I started on gad and air whilst they filled the pool. I got into the pool around 7ish maybe earlier and I was in a bit of pain by then. I was in the pool til 8.30 and then I was examined at 8cm. And I finally had him at 11.45. I managed on gas and air and felt good after birth and was discharged by 5pm that evening. Xxx
I think the advice given by some of the ladies already is spot on. Do read up on all the possibilities so you're prepared for whatever is thrown at you. It is all down to luck really and it's not really anything you can control, so like others have said, don't be too hard on yourself if it doesn't go to plan.

I'll be honest with my first baby I had the perfect pregnancy and awful labour. I won't go into the details cos this isn't what this thread is about. What I will say though is you will surprise yourself with what you're capable of doing to get your baby out safely. I think the combination of drugs and adrenaline also helps get you through it and kind of forget about it afterwards!

My labour wasn't enough to put me off having another and it was perfect and straightforward birth (can't say that about the pregnancy!). But it was an elective c-section second time around. Just wanted to reassure you that not all csections are terrible.
yes I've had 2 out of 3 :)

First baby was induced, had pethadine, epi, 2nd degree tear etc
second baby, natural labour in water, born in water - no tears no problems no drugs
third baby, natural very quick labour no time for water or drugs, but no problems :)
I totally understand that it might not go perfect for me, ive read up about all eventualities but it's just nice to read some positive stories to help me relax because i kept reading horror stories and it was scaring me and making me panic... Keep them coming, I love a good labor story :) xxx
My first was brill. 5 hours start to finish with an hours worth of gas and air in the middle just to help me reach 10cm. Couple of 2nd degree tears that were easily stitched and barely hurt after a week. I totally prepared myself for EVERYTHING possible to go wrong, so all in all it was a pleasant surprise!!
My labour wasn't that bad. It was a bit long (29 hours start to finish) and I was super tired by the end but it was ok. Hurt more than I thought it would but hey of course it will hurt and that's why they offer you drugs! I went in with absolutely no plan other than to go with the flow and see how I felt at time in regards to drugs etc, in the end I only had gas and air a little bit of pethidin and I managed to laugh through my labour after having the pethidin :) I did get a tear and an episiotomy but so do a lot of women - apart from that I can look back on the whole thing and laugh so must be a good sign :)

Remember - a hell of a lot of women go through labour more than once so it must be worth the pain! :) x
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Saw a video of a lady giving birth in the car on the way to hospital...so I'm pretty much freaked out now over that incase I end up doing the same. My mum had pretty fast labours and both where straight forward, my brothers birth was with pain relief and all fairly straight forward, I however was born fast at 40 mins from waters going to birth no time for pain relief either. I'm hoping just like my mum I go quick but not as quick haha. I've read up a lot on what to do when your waters go as no two women are alike so will be following this thread for piece of mind as honestly I'm worrying over all sorts xxx
A lot of womens waters don't even break before labour starts though hun so no guarantee on that front - my midwife had to break mine for me as I was dilating but waters just didn't want to go and it was slowing things down x
H16, I just hope when the time comes besides contractions I get a big hint of its starting haha. Xx
For me I just felt really unwell for few days before and had terrible back ache for 2 days plus period type cramps on and off and then when you start getting a real contraction you will know - trust me haha x
I saw that video too :( she looked like she was in so much pain but as soon as baby was out she was fine! My friend was having period like cramps at home, she said they got a bit more painful so she went into hospital, they told her she wasn't in labour without even checking her because she was to quiet and not in enough pain but she begged them to check her and when they did she was 8cm, they broke her waters for her and then within an hour she had pushed her baby out! She tried a bit of gas and air after they broke her waters because she said the contractions got a lot stronger but she didn't like the gas and air so she just did it on her own xxx
My mum had a pretty perfect labour with me. No niggles whatsoever until her waters broke whilst her and my dad were shopping in Sainsburys. contractions started about an hour later. They increased quite rapidly so they headed to hospital. About 2hrs later she was offered gas&air and she said 'I don't want to use it too soon' midwife said 'the contractions aren't going to get much worse you're almost fully dilated!' The gas & air worked great on my mum - dad said she was giggling between contractions. Then she got the urge to push (she refused to let go of the gas&air mouthpiece so the midwife just unplugged it and my mum didn't even notice :lol: )
I had emptied my meconium so Midwife told my mum to look out the window - there is a massive pedestrian bridge that crosses the motorway, a man had just started walking on it so she told my mum she wanted the baby out by the time the man got to the other side. Mum went for it and boom! - waters breaking to birth in just under 4hrs!
I'm desperately hoping I follow suit!! :pray:

Just like pregnancy, labour has a massive spectrum: length of time/ pain/ complications. But I do believe you hear about the bad more than good (the same way as people are more inclined to share bad reviews than good ones). The important thing to remember is that it doesn't mean some women are 'better at labour' than others. As it happens my mum's second labour with my brother was no way near as smooth and ended in an emergency C-Section. It really is just luck of the draw. I'm a first time mum too and I'm reading all birth stories to educate myself as I really believe that the unknown is far more scary than a known bad experience; however keep in mind that you are just as likely to have a good experience as a bad one. And as ladies have said, even those who've had a bad one tend to do it all over again so .... :)
That's the reason I started this thread, your so right people share more bad stories than good so I wanted a thread full of good stories :) im one of them people who finds comfort in reading the good stories even though im fully aware it doesn't always go well. In the run up to labour people tell you to relax and go with the flow the only way I can relax is by not reading horror stories, ive done all that now and now I'm just concentrating on positive things! (I'm still crapping myself though) eeeeek xxx
Aww and you are really close now!! :) you can come back and add your good story to this thread to help us September mummies ;)

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