Had a show and i think my waters went this morning.....

Soooooooooooooooo excited for you, how are you feeling? apart from scared :shock:
Keep us posted....are you close to a hozzie? i'm scared cos mine is 21 miles away, if they keep sending me back and forward when i get to your stge it's gonna be fun. I'll probably wind up having him in the bath cos I'll be tryin to hang on :oops:
lol.. oh no..

i live about 5-10 mins drive away from hozzy...

im feeling the odd pain thats painful enuff to stop me doing wat im doing but not painful enough to cry if u know wat i mean...

but i dont know if they are contractions or not...

im excited... but totally unprepared...

i wasnt even gonna go in caz i thought they were gonna tell me its urine again..

im glad i did tho...

thnx to vicki and her persuasive self..lol
You will be fine, its your first so you won't know what to expect but thats exactly how contractions start, a bit like you need a poo pains!! :oops:

Good luck, hope your little one has a safe arrival and all goes well. Keep us updated and merry xmas!!!! :cheer:
Wow what an exciting thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Ebs, cant wait to hear the news!!
(((((((Ebs)))))) You'll be just fine! We met some of the mw's from the Royal Berks in our parentcraft classes and they were all lovely. You will be in very good hands and very soon you will holding your princess :hug:
wow ebony this is so exciting!! all the best and i know you'll be fine. you sound so calm in your posts. you'll be holding your lil girl soon how exciting is that and you'll all be well and home in time for christmas!! :hug: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Oh My Goodness! I go out for the day and all this happens!!

And not evenin the right order!!!!!!!!**** joking****

Good Luck ebs I hope everything goes ok for you!
Good luck hunny - you'll be fine and holding your little bundle in no time at all

thnx ladies!!!

i know wat u mean tho linsey..

i feel for all these ladies who went overdue now..

i wud hate me too ..lol

tasha ur on ur way hun!!!!
good luck hun :)

wish i could have came home once my waters went they wouldnt even let me leave the hospital to get my bag :roll:

sooooo excited for you :cheer:
thnx babes :hug:

i think its caz im full term.. i think :think:

did u deliver naturally or did they induce u?
Have you got someone lined up to look after your sis for when you do go into labour hun?
yeah my nans here.. and my moms coming down tomprrow... im sooo glad shes on half term tho :cheer:
i just realised my baby is gonna be surrounded by green bugs :shock:

my sisters got a cold and shes given it to me :cry:
ebony_preggy said:
thnx babes :hug:

i think its caz im full term.. i think :think:

did u deliver naturally or did they induce u?

my waters went at 6.30pm i fel,t fine untill 11pm i felt real heavy like i was about to have a period. then i got a low dull back ache and that was the start, then 3 hours after that i was 4cm :D
ebony_preggy said:
yeah my nans here.. and my moms coming down tomprrow... im sooo glad shes on half term tho :cheer:

Good, i'm glad you're not on your own :hug:
awwww wow.... i go away for 1day and all u ladies start!!!!

u shud of text me hunny!!!!

cant wait for news :D
goodluck xx

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