Had his review


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
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So Dec had his 2 year review yesterday (at 28.5months) and it went well, the only thing I wasnt impressed with was the fact she basically said I was wasting a speech therapists time :( she said Dec speech was fine and that he didnt need a therapist as she could understand everything he said and he was speaking in full sentences, I tried to explain that I wasnt happy and I could see little things that my eldest used to do but she ignored me and said he was to young to see a speech therapist anyway :( cheeky bitch, Decs therapist is lovely and she said she will keep him until I am fully happy with his progress :)

Anyway apart from that she was really impressed with him :)

He told her shapes, Triangle, Square, Circle, Heart, Rectangle, Star and Hexagon
and colours, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink and orange
he counted to 10 and identified the numbers 1,2,3,6 and 9
Letters he has no interest in yet apart from D for Declan and Daniel lol
He built a tower
He sang Row,row (nobody asked him to lol )
and he answered all her qusetions right, his name, his age, body parts, animal sounds and pointing to different object i.e bed, computer, window ect ect

His height is 92.5cms
His weight is 34lbs

She was also impressed he was potty trained and has been for 6 months, that he could cycle a bike :)

Sorry that turned into a bit of an essay but I am so very proud :dance:

Thanks for reading (if you got this far lol )

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