Had my first baby dream:)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I had my baby dream.

I had a lil baby it was a girl :) and I think it was early because I didn't have anything ready nappys or milk! Lol I was happy to have the dream :) x x
Aw yay! I once dreamt I had triplets and was totally unprepared! And also dreamt I had a little boy (before we found out he was a boy) and didn't have anything but a pram but it was ok because he already had clothes on and then we went shopping! Love baby dreams x
i love having baby dreams, ive dreamt tht i was in full labour and then was given my baby and woken up wondering where it was thinking someone had kidnapped it but it ended up being a dream. dreams have been so realistic since ive been preggers!! x
my babydreams where always bad ones, like i stuck the baby in a box under the bed and left it there! Alot of them was rollercoasters where i was the only one with seatbelt and OH and our baby didnt have it and we realised when it was allready going so i had to hold on to them for dear life. I also had one where the baby was in a coffin but it was alive.

Only once did i have a dream about the sex and it was before my scan (i was 100% we where having a girl) and i dreamt it was a boy, and it was.

third trim tho i have not had any baby dreams
I had baby dreams months before i got pregnant, think it was because someone who I was close to was pregnant. I've had a few dreams about mc. The Day I got my bfp I woke up after having a dream that I had a baby boy. All the dreams I've had it's been about baby boys lol. Friday night I dreamt I gave birth to a boy, couldn't remember the birth, and then left my baby for 3 days with my best friend so I could go out and get drunk!!!!! :eek: lol. That defo won't be happening.
Yayy for your baby dream Smess ! maybee it will be true about the gender?
Only fingers crossed not the early birth and not being ready for baby etc

I keep having a dream I have Devon 8 weeks early!! nightmare , thats at 32 weeks, (in 7 and a bit weeks!)
I better get prepared, perhaps that's whst the dream was telling me, that I was nowhere near ready yet!
Oh no! I hope he stays put for abit longer!!!!

I do think I am gonna have another girl!!:) which I am happy about :)

I think I had the early
Part of
Dream because these are the things I don't have lol I even didn't have
Breast pads in my dream lol!!!

I am happy for the dream!!! Heres too more!!:) x x x

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