Had a funny turn today....


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Well the day started well, I got up, had coffee and biscuits, and watched some telly, did dome housework, and then had a ham and tomato toastie.
So, I'd eaten and all that malarky, and was feeling fine.

A few hours later, we went into town, hadn't done anything strenuous, and then went for some lunch as I was hungry.

It's pretty hot in the food court, but as we stood there I went red hot, sweat was literally pouring out of my face, I had to mop it up with tissues, I went dizzy, I felt faint, everything sounded far away, and my vision went all dark and blurry - I thought I was gunna pass out!!

Anyway, I sat down right away, and OH brought me my meal, and after a few mins and a few slurps I was fine again.... No idea what happened!!

Has anyone got any ideas on this?
And most importantly... is it dangerous / should I see a doc / midwfe etc?
I think you needed your lunch Hun too top up your blood sugers, If I go even a lttle bit past the point of being pekish, and you were standing about too, you can get a wave of heat ,BP falls , you feel dizzy which affects all the other things like vision etc, and you feel sick etc , hence why you picked up after a sit down, and some food an drink.

Try to preempt the hunger , if your hungry, it's prob after when you should have a regular snack, get some lo GI snacks for your bag, eg oat crackers

Glad you were ok
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I agree with JJ hun, it sounds as though your blood sugar was low and the tip to keep stuff in your bag is great. I hope you are feeling fine and dandy now xxx
I had that in the bank, on my own :( Twas a bit scary, but I think it is just that blood sugar levels dip and when you're standing up and it's a bit hot, it doesn't help.

Hope you're feeling better now :)
Thanks girlies, I'm feeling tonnes better today.
OH went and bought me some museli bar thingys to stick in my bag, so if I'm feeling a bit peckish I can have a nibble with no queues involved!
:yay: for OH, must have been scary hun :hug: Feeling faint is an awful thing.. Espec is busy places xx
happened to me the other day as well!! but we were in an antenatal class as well talkiing about tering and cutting etc lol!! xx
Definitely sounds like your blood sugar levels, it hapenned to me a few times - once at work in the middle of a meeting! and was really scary but I was soon sorted out after eating and drinking - leaves you feeling quite weak, shaky and sick though especially if it was a bad one.

Def keep some bars or something with you for emergencies again and a can of Coke or a sugary drink. It will probably pass in a few more weeks time but make sure you dont skip any meals or go too long before eating.

I was out today, and honestly, I was SOOOO hungry, I never stopped eating!
I had breakfast, and then coffee and a whacking great scone, and then a subway! and that's all between about 6 hours :shock:

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