Guess baby's sex

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Really sorry to steal this idea from the december club, but I thought it was a really nice idea. Sorry guys! :D :D :D

I was wondering if we all had any ideas what our babies sex is.

It would be nice to then find out later on if we guessed right.

Also lots of us aren't really that far from the 20+ week scan where some of us get to find out what it will be.

I am adament I am having a boy, how about you?
Mine is strange, my logic side says im having a girl, others have said that too

but everytime i talk about the baby i allways say him, i just cant get my head round a girl.

will find out in 2 weeks!
I am so sure that im havin a girl, i dont know y i am just convinced, i havent gone my ne of the wifes tales, cos by them im havin a she male, lol :lol: :lol:

My sista reckons that ive convinced myself i am havin a girl because i want to have a boy so much, so if i get the thought in to my head that it is a girl and ge used to it then it wont be so bad.

But its nuts because even tho i really want a boy think ive convinced myself so much that it is a girl i wud be slightly disappointed now, lol

bec x x
It's strange. Before I got pregnant I could only imagine myself having a girl but since being pregnant I'm convinced it's a boy. |I don't mind either way but I will be shocked if it's a girl. If it keeps still this time I should find out in 11 days
You can tell what people think they're having by the colour of their tickers lol!!

I think it's a boy, everyone else thinks it's a girl. We'll see a week on Thursday!!
I did think I was having a girl, but I had one of those really vivid dreams last night and now I'm convinced it's a boy. We have 2 boys and a girl already, so another girl would even things up, but I don't really mind either way.

Got my 20 week scan through - 14th September at 21wks+2. Evil people are making me wait 9 whole days :shock: :evil:

I am having to wait even longer! My 20 week scan is at 21+6 weeks! Almost 22 weeks!

But I suppose it might mean that the sex is even more obvious.

I am really dying to know so if an extra couple of weeks means I get to find out then that is great!

I have been convinced from day one that its a boy and the thing with needles on thread etc and the chinese gender chart all point to boy, but now I've said that and think it I'm starting to think its prob a girl! Only 21 weeks and I'll know!
I'm having my scan at 19 + 4 is that too early to tell the sex??
nope they should be able to tell you if you want to know, they dont tell you here so I have to pay or wait, OH doesnt want to know, so 21 weeks to go! Mind you I've worked it to my advantage by deciding the nursery colours and theme!
Im havin my scan at 19.1 weeks, cant wait, arggghh im so excited, god im gonna burst i need yo know, lol, im so impatient, and am so convinced it is a little girl, ill be gutted if they cant tell me the sex, ill protest untill they give me another scan, hehehe.

bec x x x x
Luckily for me the woman who will be doing my scan is my mums friend so I think she might try a lot harder to find the sex, if she can't I'm sure she would rescan me. It's not what you know, it's who you know lol!!
I was convinced I was having a boy but since I had a dream that I thought I'd given birth to a boy and it turned out to be a girl I've changed my mind. Maybe my heads messing with me - but who knows!? Still another 23 weeks till I find out! :D
I always thought I was having a girl, all those predictor charts said it was a girl too but scan said it is a boy! glad we have only got white clothes!
I've had another wierd dream - it's triplets and I have to grow an extra boob. Maybe I'll stick with my original instinct of it being a girl as I don't think I should trust my dreams any more :?

Tracy xx
I feel like I'm having a boy but with Harrison I felt lik I was having a girl lol
SOMETIMES I think I'd prefer a girl but sometimes I think a little boy would be lovely, especially if he looked like all his dad's baby pictures because my OH was an adorable child. He still has that boyish grin...okay enough of me being all soppy :lol:

Up until now I felt I was having a girl, but in the last while it's become a little ambiguous. We refer to the child as he or she alternately, because we hate "it".

Would sort of like to find out, but OH doesn't want to know, all my sibs tell me no way wait for the surprise, and my SIL was told once that she was having a girl but it was a boy!

You can't really win, can you?

We'll be finding out the sex!! we did with Harrison :)
I don't know about anyone else but people seem to be really odd with me when I tell them I will be finding out the sex. They look at me like I'm evil or something. They say things like 'for your first?' and 'don't you want a surprise?' the thing is, if I wanted a surprise at the end, I wouldn't be finding out now, it's my choice, it's everyone's personal choice.

People have different reasons for doing things and if it doesn't bother me to find out, why the hell does it bother everyone else so much?

I personally would hate to be kept in suspense and have everything in in lemon and white, whereas someone else may hate having the surprise ruined. I don't judge so don't expect to be judged.

Oooops, sorry about the rant it just bugs me!! :D :D :D
Well I definitely want to find out and hopefully I will on the 23rd September!

Luckily though you don't have to buy everything in lemon these days.

Tesco have some fabulous baby gros with disney pictures on, which are in primary colours and not a hint of lemon in site! Dead cheap too! A pack of seven was a fiver! A steal!

I'm still finding out though. I have felt like this since the start and won't change my mind

Lots of people will give you advice. Some good and some bad and its up to us to be stubborn and decide what we want at the end of the day. Some people like surprises and some don't. :D

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