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Anyone get presents for 'Bump'?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2005
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Hi all,

I was really touched at Christmas to get 4 presents from different people for 'Bump', it was very sweet........and gave me more presents to open!! :D

How did you all find xmas? I did find it pretty tiring and today (friday) is the first day that we aren't going out and no-one is coming to us so me and the kids are having what is known in our house as a jarmie day!! Which is much needed.

Also is anyone else struggling with the idea of staying awake till midnight tomorrow?? I cannot keep my eyes open past about 10pm at the moment so should be fun!!

Also got my pushchair delivered yesterday so am going to check it all out today before I take it to my Mum's.

Lots of love
We got a sterliser and a keepsake box which was useful, but we also got some babygrows in a 'tiny baby' size. :shock: They obviously don't know that much about babies. At least I hope they aren't trying to tell me something! :shock:

Xmas was quite nice though. Its new years eve that will be tiring. I have my University friends and their husbands over which will be a lot of fun, but exhausting! :D
Hi Kerry

Glad you had a good one.

i'm the same as you, i went to bed at 9 last night i was completley drained. it is my last day at work today :D :D :D

i didnt get baby presents as such but will be getting things from relatives within the next few days. Jon's sister has bought a baby box and stuffed it full of baby toiletries. his other sister has bought the moses basket. my mum bought a load of baby grows and the pram, and my mil has bought a fold up highchair.

only got 23 days until c section, yippee

i've never seen so many pressies in my life! most of them were for bump! mum had been productive and made a lovely knitted baby blanket, as well as a hand embroidered cot bedding set with his name embroidered on it. it was gorgeous!! and our neighbours had asked a lady to crochet a baby blanket in thin wool - also gorgeous, and i have never seen a round baby blanket before! we also got

mamas and papas bouncer chair
baby record book
2 outfits in larger sizes (3-6 and 6-9)
fitted cot sheets
another blanket
bedding for the pram/carrycot
cot duvet (us norwegians don't believe in the no duvets before 1 year rule you see! lol!)

and he's not even here yet! wonder what next xmas will be like!!! we probably won't be able to see the tree at all behing all the pressies!

as for new years eve.... i'm having a quiet night in on my own (reckon OH will go out) and may well be in bed before 10pm! bliss!!
We are due to pop to brother in laws new years eve but have said it will just be a quick visit.......reckon I will be in bed by ten too! The only problem then is getting woken at midnight by fireworks and it takes me ages to get back to sleep at the moment!!! :roll:
xmas was great for me this year, it was just me jase and the kids as a family, our first xmas together :)

my dad my sister and my friend got pressies for Coby, it was strange seeing a pressie with his name on it lol.

my dad got a bath suport thing
my sister got an outfit and a wrist rattle
my friend got a baby record book.

i went on a mad cleaning spree last night tho and have now taken al teh xmas stuff down and packed it up in the loft for another year
Blimey thats impressive Layla!!

I always want to whip the decs down straight away too!! Especially as I am on a mission to sort the house out before baby etc. At the moment the place is full of the kids new toys and I am beginning to think I need an exptension just to fit everything in!! Why do people think that young children need HUGE presents??? My son loved his tamagotchi from my Mum!!! :wink:
lol, im the other way round when it comes to pressies, i cant stand the little fiddly things that break in to millions of bits, things like that dont last to long in my house coz i end up getting fed up with telling the kids to clear them away so i put them in the bin :oops:

the big soild things are great, they take up room yes but leave no mess! lol

i know what you mean about getting the housse ready for the baby tho, i think thats why i packed everything up last night and cleaned, just want everything in order now :)
I must admit the pirates mega blocks lego is getting on my nerves already!!! If I tread on another pirate or hoover up another piece of treasure I will scream!!!
Oh i know how you feel Kerry the megoblocks are taking over my house too! I keep treading on them and they hurt!

I also agree that small present are the best!!!! Infact we told everyone this year that please could they buy small presents for SS as we will have 4 in the house in March and i cant cope with the mess!!

I had 4 pressies for the bump and was really touched as i didnt expect anything! Babygrows, books, and toys, i am so excited now that i only have a few weeks to go until D Day!!!

Hope you are keeping well, and hope you are still on for a January get together?
when i was pregnant last xmas with Dior i got loads of lil things for her of the family but this time no one seems to care :( every one forgets im preg as there just used to me being preg now~!!!!!!!

my poor lil bump
awwww dionne im sure everyone will spoil you rotten again when bubs arrives.

We had a hectic Christmas but really enjoyed it, big weight seemed to lift when they unwrapped their pressies and managed to get everything they wanted.

I want to take the decorations down now though but the rest of clan want them to stay up until the 12th night.

For Xmas, got more things for baby than for me! :)
I wanted a nice teddy bear picture (the theme of my nursery deco!!)to put on the wall, but could not get anything I liked, or too expensive really, and my dad has painted us one!!!!!!!! really cute and signed by the grand-father, which I think is the nicest thing!
Otherwise, got 3 other stuffed toys, newborn clothes, and my mum has embroydered (oops, spelling!!!!!!!!!!!) some bibs with the letter M (we know the names we want, and we are supposed to have a girl, but we never know!!! :lol: )
Because I am French, I also got 4 CDs of children' songs in French, all the ones I learnt when I was in sursery but forgot!!!! :P

that's it! it was very nice, juste my husband, my parents and us two (baby and me)...and cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

mel xx
How ironic, I only got one present for 'bump' then she ended up being born Xmas day and only had 1 present lol!

I got a new outfit for her form my aunt and a gift card for toys"r"us, , and the only thing for me was chocolate and i hate chocolate oh well.
even though im only half way through pregnancy i did get some little things for bump a winnie the pooh teddy and some weaning bowls and spoons lol xxxx

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